pig (歡迎加入豬頭黨)
2023-08-25 22:06:14※ 引述《whhsu (ck49th318)》之銘言:
: ※ 引述《pig (歡迎加入豬頭黨)》之銘言:
: : 重點更新:
: : Laravel Livewire v3 release date
: : Caleb Porzio just announced that Laravel Livewire v3 will
: : officially be released on July 20th, at Laracon US!
: : 終於要出了
: The most productive way to build your next web app
: https://livewire.laravel.com
: 試玩了幾天,感覺還不錯,設定比以前簡潔
: 用了大量的 attribute 來處理 event 跟 rule
: 然後 multiple pagination 也會動了
Livewire v3 Has Been Released
正式推出,同時 Jetstream 也更新了
Laravel Jetstream 4.0 with Livewire 3 support