我必須採許行動 ,要快點行動。這是我的天性。
我似乎在一場車禍中醒來 ,四肢遍地散落,疏離的尖叫聲呼喚著安慰,
在破碎的世界裡我只有一根針與線,我跪下來 ,從殘骸中撿出肉塊,
我再撕開自己,聽見自己對其他人狂吼 ,我知道,
但我也知道 ,我不是唯一一個在膝蓋上瘋狂修補自己的人
還有其他人像我一樣 ,犯了巨大的錯
因著同樣不純粹的焦慮 ,將自己縫上這廢墟 ,再痛苦地把自己撕下
-F 你在哭
Believe me, Edith, I had to act, and act fast. That was my nature. Call me
Dr. Frankenstein with a deadline. I seemed to wake up in the middle of a car
accident, limbs strewn everywhere, detached voices screaming for comfort,
severed fingers pointing homeward, all the debris withering like sliced
cheese out of Cellophane – and all I had in the wrecked world was a needle
and thread, so I got down on my knees, I pulled pieces out of the mess and I
started to stitch them together. I had an idea of what a man should look
like, but it kept changing. I couldn’t devote a lifetime to discovering the
ideal physique. All I heard was pain, all I saw was mutilation. My needle
going so madly, sometimes I found I’d run the thread right through my own
flesh and I was joined to one of my own grotesque creations – I’d rip us
apart – and then I heard my own voice howling with the others, and I knew
that I was also truly part of the disaster. But I also realized that I was
not the only one on my knees sewing frantically. There were others like me,
making the same monstrous mistakes, driven by the same impure urgency,
stitching themselves into the ruined heap, painfully extracting themselves-
- F, you are weeping.
- Forgive me.
- Stop blubbering. See you ‘ve lost your hard on.
- =====
- 註1:
- 這段對話是美麗失敗者裡F與艾狄斯偷偷跑到外國偷情時發生的
- 只需要知道 F是主角好友 艾狄斯是主角太太 他們之間是3P關係就好了
- 他們這時正在瘋狂做愛
- 科恩這裡應該指的是科學怪人的創造者 (瑪莉 雪萊原本 裡並沒有為怪物取名)
譯後註:科學怪人的解釋是我自己想的 這裡完全跟原譯不同
我覺得作者類比自己為神 自己縫上自己缺憾的造物
有對科學怪人熟的版友 或可補充
(我自首我只有看Crahcourse Literature濃縮版)