各位版上的高手們好,好久以前發的文,有個關於BA household account的問題
我(head):5000 avios 2014/09/31到期
我媽:2000 avios 2014/12/31到期
家庭帳戶:共7000 avios
(1) 我知道每個個人的帳戶,都是36個月的有效期,如果有活動,就會延期,
那如果是家庭帳戶的話,若是我今天有活動,我的5000 avios會延到2017/08/11
這時,家庭帳戶的7000 avios也是跟著延長嗎?
還是如果媽媽的帳戶,到年底前都沒有活動,2000 avios就會被扣掉?
The Avios points in your Household Account will not expire according to the following conditions, in a 36-month period:
* If you collect Avios after flying with British Airways or a oneworld partner airline
* If you collect Avios with any of our global Executive Club non-flight partners e.g. credit card, financial services, car hire or hotel partners
* If you buy Avios for your account - each transaction ensures a further 36 months of active Avios points
However, the Avios balances of everyone within the Household Account will be retained, regardless of their individual period of inactivity, if any member within the Household Account has redeemed Avios within the last 36 months (including upgrading using Avios; or on a oneworld partner airline), or there is at least one Silver or Gold member within the Household Account.
I hope this information is useful to you.
(2) 想另外順便請教,在AVIOS.com或Iberia Plus轉換Avios到BA帳戶
是不是不算在一個valid activity? 不然這樣互轉可以無限延長XDDD
※ 引述《lagi81 (一陣風~)》之銘言:
: 您好各位版友們
: 我想請教關於BA家庭帳戶的問題,
: 如果已經成功把家人加入household account後,
: 以後只要check-in家人報上自己的會員帳號,
: aviso就會自動累積到家庭帳戶了?
: 還是是各自累積,再做結合?
: BTW,想順便借問一下...
: check-in要報的都是帳戶那一長串的數字嗎QQ...
: 看來要幫我爸媽寫個小抄了哈哈!
: 謝謝大家: D