satyricon (Rock of Ages)
2014-09-04 18:00:44有趣,我的是:
Complete 5 of 6 offers and earn 24,200 bonus points or 2 free nights
a. 8800分 Stay more - Stay 6 night(s)
b. 100分 Take our survey
c. 8000分 Weekender ( 2 Saturdays)
d. 1500分 Spend on your IHG Rewards Club Credit Card
e. 4800分 Change your view (Stay at 2 Holiday Inn hotels)
f. 2600分 Download and book on the IHG App (Download and sign in to the IHG App
and book a stay)
holiday inn 加上完成 b, d,f 就可以拿到兩個free nights?
另外樟宜機場的 Ambassador Transit Hotel跟IHG有關嗎?