ANA飛北美淡季40000點 星空聯盟是60000點 如果不在乎轉三班飛機的話 因為ANA本身只有飛到溫哥華 溫哥華往多倫多只有加航 在兌換網頁看到有這句 Flight awards can not be used on codeshare flights operated by other airlines using an ANA flight number, expect in the case of domestic flights. For codeshare flights with an ANA flight number operated by partner airlines, passengers should apply for Flight awards from the partner airline. 如果坐ANA掛名 由加航執飛 溫哥華到多倫多這段 有人有成功開在ANA group flight裡 用40000點的嗎 謝謝