藉由W大這篇文章, 也來分享一下我一樣的慘痛經驗.
本來上禮拜要訂11月旅遊的房間,結果發現我的帳號也登不進去, 用online chat求助後被
告知我的問題是他們沒有辦法馬上解決的, 請我mail到[email protected]詢
兩天後他們回信了 ,表示這個帳號之前使用的點數中,有些來源不當,除了終止所有會員權
然後我這帳戶, 只有跟一位版上也是上站次數超過3000的大大購買. 所以想必就是他那邊
小的損失是帳戶內還有一萬多點 , 大的損失是鑽卡資格就這樣的沒了.
看來最安全的, 還是直接等100%回饋的時候上Hilton購買了
※ 引述《wlcj (littlebeard)》之銘言:
: Update:
: 聯繫上賣家,已善意回應,並全額退款。
: 帳號的部分,賣家表示也許有入到黑分,目前他也是受害,導致帳號被鎖;這個部分只能
: 請他再跟Hilton交涉
: 我自己的部分只能發幾封求情信給hilton了,也是第一次利用官網point pooling,但牽
: 涉到有黑分,直接連坐罰被鎖,不知道能不能網開一面了....
: 最後感謝賣家有誠意解決,也謝謝各位提供寶貴意見和分享!
: ※ 引述《wlcj (littlebeard)》之銘言:
: : 以下分享慘痛經驗...
: : 之前在板上跟上站次數好幾千的賣家,買了13萬點HH,結果幾天前突然帳號被鎖住不能
: : 登入,打去問客服說帳號被close,在跟Fraud department來回N封信後(大約兩天一封)
: : 終於有人願意主動告知,而不是罐頭信。
: : We received notification that the points transferred into your Hilton Honors
: : account were not authorized by the sender. As a result, the unauthorized
: : points were adjusted and future reservations were cancelled.
: : In order to reinstate your account, the original member you received points
: : from would need to contact us through the preferred email address on file an
: d
: : confirm the transferred points were authorized.
: : Please note, without an authenticated email from the original member your
: : account will remain closed.
: : 看起來只是被誤認為偷點數,需要sender寄信給他們才會解開,我那時心想還不簡單,
: : 但是在對方寄信給hilton之後,還是帳號被鎖,繼續追問的結果(又過了3~5天),結果
: 是
: : 賣家點數來源被系統認定有問題
: : Thank you for your email.
: : Upon further investigation, your friend's account was also closed for
: : fraudulent activity so any emails from your friend are invalid. The points
: : transferred to your account were stolen from other accounts. All accounts
: : involved in the transfer of stolen points are closed accordingly.
: : 目前等待賣家回覆中,不知道版上有沒有其他受害者,希望大家以後買點要小心
: : 我是覺得這真的很難預防,鈔票還有驗鈔技術,點數要怎麼分辨真偽@@ 有需要點數的
: 人
: : 可能還是透過官方渠道吧
: : ps. 另外有prepaid stay,因為封號hilton也把訂房紀錄取消,寫信問飯店GM,回說
: : As the reservation is a prepaid nonrefundable reservation I am afraid we
: : cannot refund the balance. The reservation is still in the system, would you
: : like me to cancel it or possibly move the dates to a more suitable date?
: : 這下羅生門了,不知道大家有沒有相關經驗或建議?
: : 謝謝!