"Since it is the nature of fools to harm others, my anger with them make no se
nse; just as it would make no sense to be angry at fire, the nature of which i
s to burn."
-Anger is always irrational.
-Anger arises from failure to make decisions/mindfulness.
-If you want to avoid anger ruining your life, the only thing you can do is to
assiduously cultivate patience.
-Understanding anger, meditating on anger, and thinking about anger analytical
ly the way that we've been doing it now, is the real instrument for cultivatin
g that patience. Only if you understand the anger that way then internalize th
at understanding, and make that understanding something that motivates you, ca
n you really overcome anger.
-Patience and compassion need to be settled into us as personality traits befo
re they become a successful antidote.
-That patience and compassion require mindfulness, meditation and wisdom to ma
ke them parts of us.