Extracted from <<Stop procrastinating: How to overcome procrastination, cure y
our lazinessand increase your productivity. Master your time>> by Daniel Thomp
Signs of procrastination
1. Hit Snooze button repeatedly
2. Wait until last minute
-instant gratification
-will you really have fun?
3. Always late for appointments
4. Weekend is boring
-at least make preparations and expect sth
5. Messy and unorganized space
6. Dream about future and spend too much time thinking
-What you do today decides what you get in the future
7. On social media most of the time
-Biggest source of decay
-Use tech as a tool
-Conquer temptation
8. Leave things until tmr
-Used to postponing
-Doom, despair, choose instant gratification
-Do instantly what you're supposed to do
-Build habit of commitment
9. Give lousy excuses
-Don't apopogize
-Replace negative self-conversations with positive ones
Why we procrastinate
1. Ambiguous/abstract goal
2. Time discount in the future
-Goal/reward is too far away
3. Scheduling error/optimism of future
-Overestimate your own abilities
4. Options of future actions
5. Disconnection from future self
6. Indecisiveness
-Paralysis of choice: more choices-> more difficult to choose
7. Feeling overwhelmed, job too big
8. Anxiety
9. Task aversion, replace and avoid unpleasant tasks
10. Perfectionism
-all-or-nothing thinking
-delay submitting defective work
11. Fear of negative feedback
12. Fear of failure
13. Fear of success
14. Self sabotaging/handicapping as defensive mechanism
15. Use procrastination as an avoidance technique
16. Perceived lack of control
17. Lack of motivation (internal or external?)
-You don't have to be motivated to begin, just start doing it
18. Lack of energy (physical or mental)
19. Inherent laziness
20. Prioritizing short term mood enhancers(e.g. facebook)
Traits of procrastinators
1. High level of anxiety
2. Low self esteem
3. Negative irrational beliefs about your ability
4. High level of self doubt
5. Low self efficacy
6. Low capacity for self control
7. Lack of perserverence
8. Impulsivity
9. Distractibility (e.g. cell phone alerts)
10. Sensation seeking (pressure to meet deadline is exciting)
11. Rebellion
12. Distorted sense of time and resource, thinking you have more time and reso
urce to complete task when you actually don't
13. Difficulty in handling distress, task is viewed in unpleasant way.
14. Mental disorders
Strategies to overcome procrastination
1. Change your assumptions on the world
2. Accept pain and remove discouragements, replace with more optimistic self c
3. Talk more to future self, talk more emotionally and deeply
4. Develop long term objectives, Focus on why
5. Consolidate abstract objectives into concrete ones
6. Chunk it
7. Reward system
8. Forgive yourself, reduce guilt, anxiety and negative mood associated with d
9. Control emotions, tolerate stress, don't catastrophize
10. Get out calendar, write it down
11. top making excuses
12. Get a partner to make yourself responsible
Strategies to overcome fatigue and delay
1. Embrace your laziness
2. Make delay a tool rather than a problem
3. Delay, delegate, give up
4. Create a plan, proper preparation ensures proper performance
6. Break tasks down
7. Set time limits
8. Microwork
9. Remove distractions
Time management strategies (略)
Mental disorders that contribute to procrastination
1. ADHD: jump from task to task, impulsive, distractable
2. Depression: no energy
3. Delusional/irrational beliefs
4. Anxiety