※ [本文轉錄自 job 看板 #1JLULPy8 ]
作者: kuojewei7883 (冰淇淋貓) 看板: job
標題: [台北] 中央研究院 經濟所 約聘助理
時間: Tue Apr 22 11:43:19 2014
Institue of Economics, Academia Sinica (中央研究院 經濟研究所)
【Opening Position】
Full-time Research Assistant
【Job Description】
Job description for research assistants:
‧To collect raw data by scanning and typing
‧To organize and analyze data using STATA/SAS/R
‧To prepare written summaries of the work as required.
‧To provide administrative/accounting supports in research activities
Job candidates should have had a graduate or undergraduate degree in economics,
statistics, public health, engineering, mathematics, or computer sciences.
【Work Place】
Institute of Economics, Acdemia Sinica (Nangang District, Taiepei City)
【Work Hour】
Mon-Fri 8:00 - 17:00 or Mon-Fri 9:00-18:00 (Flexible)
【Monthly Days Off】
Every weekend and national holidays. (Standard of R.O.C. government)
About 8~10 days.
Be able to participate in the economics seminars every week.
Have some chances to know the overseas scholars and the frontier research.
NTD 36,050 per month for MS degree
NTD 31,520 per month for BS degree
(Standard of Ministry of Technology, self-pay health insurance included)
【Numbers of Opening】
1 person
【Contact Information】
Principal Investigator(PI): Dr. Stacey Chen (陳香如 副研究員)
Address: 128 Academia Sinica Road Section 2, Nangang District, Taipei City
Email: schen@econ.sinica.edu.tw
【Required Documents】
Please email a copy of CV, short bio, transcripts, diploma, and a sample of
your STATA/SAS/R programs.
Please indicate "Job Application: XXX (Your Name)" in the subject.