[徵才] Postdoctoral position @ Singapore

作者: seert (Trees)   2016-12-21 10:54:13
Research Fellowship (Postdoctoral Fellowship) Position
in Neurophotonics Group, Singapore Institute for Neurotechnology (www.sinapseinstitute.org)
The Singapore Institute for Neurotechnology (SINAPSE) brings together engineers, scientists and clinical researchers for basic science, clinical application and commercialization. SINAPSE focuses on discovering therapies for neurological diseases and injuries, and engineering clinical solutions.
Job Description
The Neurophotonics Group of the SINAPSE Institute under the direction of Dr. Lun-De Liao and Prof Nitish Thakor is interested in recruiting well trained, talented, skilled and highly motivated individuals to work under diverse programs in the areas of Optical Imaging, Ultrasound Imaging and Photoacoustic Imaging. The successful candidate will develop microscopic imaging methods comprising photoacoustic imaging for the assessment of cerebral pathology.
With expertise in:
1. Hands-on experiences in optics (photoacoustic, fluorescence, OCT, two-photo microscopy,
laser speckle imaging, optical tomography) or ultrasound imaging.
2. Programming skills (data acquisition, image processing)
3. Circuit design and embedded systems
Your main duties would include but are not limited to the following:
1. To pursue one or more projects using the above described methods and others as necessary for the project
2. To learn and/or develop new methodologies when necessary or useful
3. To regularly communicate your results to the rest of the laboratory members
4. To work with colleagues on collaborative projects
The successful candidate will have the following credentials
1. Minimum Education: Ph.D.
2. A strong background in and knowledge of optical imaging. Candidates with backgrounds in
physics or engineering who have experience in neuroscience will be considered.
3. Good publication track-record
4. Excellent written & spoken English
5. An ability to work closely with other scientists and an ability to quickly learn new techniques
Competitive salary will be offered. To apply, please send following materials in PDF format directly to Dr. Lun-De Liao
([email protected]/*

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