chilgy (chil)
2018-02-08 13:10:34New book group starting on Friday, March 2, 2018
Book name: The Shack
Author: William P. Young
Where you can get it: Eslite (誠品), other online and used bookstores
Meting time: 12:10~13:20 pm
Place: 中研院活動中心2樓餐廳
Who Are We?
AS English Culb
~ A place to practice and improve your English language skills
~ A place to make new friends, to learn more about the Christian faith and to
experience Christian fellowship
Group Leaders
Narie Hsing
Narie studied and worked in the US as a teacher/counselor for over 30 years.
She is currently living in Taipei and enjoying everything this wonderful city
has to offer.
Angela Lin
Angela works in the Sinica for over 10 years.