DaneiLJ (鍵盤鄉民)
2019-09-01 19:53:09※ 引述《YoshiTilde (一頁本是難成書)》之銘言:
: : → linzero: 有些經濟訴訟會花很久的,搞不好這案子是2015年前的 09/01 11:20
: : 推 schula: 這種的還是看原文比較不會有翻譯上的誤差(汗 09/01 11:52
: 這案子始於2013年
: 歐盟主張:
: In a true Digital Single Market, European consumers should have the right to buy
: and play video games of their choice regardless of where they live in the EU. C
: onsumers should not be prevented from shopping around between Member States to f
: ind the best available deal. Valve and the five PC video game publishers now hav
: e the chance to respond to our concerns.
: 有趣的是歐盟說自己的法律:
: The Regulation prohibits geo-blocking and other geographically-based restriction
: s which undermine online shopping and cross-border sales by limiting the possibi
: lity for consumers and businesses to benefit from the advantages of online comme
: rce. Currently, the Regulation applies to PC video games distributed on CDs, DVD
: s but not to downloads.
: The Commission will carry out a first evaluation of the Regulation by 23 March 2
: 020. In particular, the Commission will assess the scope of the Regulation, incl
: uding its possible application to certain electronically supplied services which
: offer copyright-protected content such as music, e-books, software and online g
: ames, as well as of services in sectors such as transport and audio-visual.
: Valve覺得:
: However, the EC's charges do not relate to the sale of PC games on Steam - Valve
: 's PC gaming service. Instead the EC alleges that Valve enabled geo-blocking by
: providing Steam activation keys and - upon the publishers' request - locking tho
: se keys to particular territories ("region locks") within the EEA. Such keys all
: ow a customer to activate and play a game on Steam when the user has purchased i
: t from a third-party reseller. Valve provides Steam activation keys free of char
: ge and does not receive any share of the purchase price when a game is sold by t
: hird-party resellers (such as a retailer or other online store).
: The region locks only applied to a small number of game titles. Approximately ju
: st 3% of all games using Steam (and none of Valve's own games) at the time were
: subject to the contested region locks in the EEA. Valve believes that the EC's e
: xtension of liability to a platform provider in these circumstances is not suppo
: rted by applicable law.
: 而且他們已經:
: Nonetheless, because of the EC's concerns, Valve actually turned off region lock
: s within the EEA starting in 2015, unless those region locks were necessary for
: local legal requirements (such as German content laws) or geographic limits on w
: here the Steam partner is licensed to distribute a game.
: 但他們認為這樣會:
: The elimination of region locks will also mean that publishers will likely raise
: prices in less affluent regions to avoid price arbitrage. There are no costs in
: volved in sending activation keys from one country to another and the activation
: key is all a user needs to activate and play a PC game.
: https://europa.eu/rapid/press-release_IP-19-2010_en.htm
: https://steamdb.info/blog/steam-geo-locking-europe/
The Commission's preliminary view is that
Valve and the five PC video game publishers entered into bilateral agreements
『to prevent consumers from purchasing and using PC video games
acquired elsewhere than in their country of residence』
(so-called “geo-blocking”).
This is against EU antitrust rules.
Valve and the five PC video game publishers agreed,
in breach of EU antitrust rules,
to use geo-blocked activation keys to prevent cross-border sales,
including in response to unsolicited consumer requests
(so-called “passive sales”) of PC video games from several Member States
(i.e. Czechia, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Slovakia,
and in some cases Romania).
『This may have prevented consumers from buying cheaper games
available in other Member States.』
也就是所謂的鎖區(region lock)
willywasd (dalikeanureeves)
2019-09-01 21:03:00對啦 但歐盟的本意應該是要禁止地區、國界上的限制統一售價是廠商之後可能做出的應對
linzero (【林】)
2019-09-01 21:05:00換個角度看,台灣地區也有富裕地區跟貧困地區,換個幅員較大的像中國也是一樣會有差異。但這種情況比方線上服務
作者: zeal63966 2019-09-01 21:06:00
linzero (【林】)
2019-09-01 21:06:00或網購之類的,比較沒有實體店面那種因地制價的情況,這
作者: zeal63966 2019-09-01 21:07:00
linzero (【林】)
2019-09-01 21:07:00樣可以說這種服務統一價格是犧牲較貧困區域的消費者嗎?
作者: zeal63966 2019-09-01 21:09:00
willywasd (dalikeanureeves)
2019-09-01 21:09:00但歐盟對電子商務的規範就是不能限制會員國之間的跨區而steam算是電子商務的一種再來大部分的歐盟會員國已經是統一歐元計價如果不喜歡流通性高的市場可以跟英國一樣跳出去自己玩XD用英鎊計價
歐盟要的是歐盟內的自由跨區域吧會員國國民追求區內的最佳價格 steam不得阻擋所以steam鎖跨區商店跨區key完全踩到線
dss (dss)
2019-09-01 21:49:00這意思是鎖區的俄key跟中國key這種也該開放給歐盟使用?
linzero (【林】)
2019-09-01 21:57:00歐盟不管會員國以外的吧
willywasd (dalikeanureeves)
2019-09-01 22:01:00歐盟只管歐盟會員國
Sischill (Believe or not)
2019-09-01 22:04:00俄羅斯跟中國什麼時候成為會員國了...你拿歐元去中國跟俄羅斯他們也不收呀...旁邊之前一直很想加入的土耳其歐盟都不管了
DaneiLJ (鍵盤鄉民)
2019-09-02 12:48:00passive sales那段的指控應該就是禁止購買的部分前段的地區鎖啟動則是禁止使用的部分
那段是說啟動鎖區防止/預防 passive sales 沒有禁買啊消費者硬要買不能啟動的 key 還是可以買的XD或是被不肖第三方賣家騙
DaneiLJ (鍵盤鄉民)
2019-09-02 13:20:00也是啦...
作者: R910402 (No Surprises) 2019-09-03 18:01:00