j54007j (殘月~痕)
2014-10-28 07:06:52PhD student, postdoc, research scientist positions in Nano
Energy Lab at KAUST in Saudi Arabia
We are looking for talented, highly motivated, and hardworking PhD students,
experienced research scientists and postdoctoral researchers with interest in
collaborative research. Postdoc and research scientist applicants are
expected to have a strong quantitative basis, a solid publication record on
the subject, capacity for team work, and should have strong conceptual and
practical background on the
1) in situ TEM
2) Fabrication and measurement of semiconductor devices
3) Spectroscopy (photoluminescence, Raman, SNOM, SERS, and TERS)
4) Li-ion (-air) battery
5) 2D materials
6) Topological insulators
7) Water splitting
8) Flexible and transparent electronics
Talented students are encouraged to pursue a PhD degree in Electrical
Engineering (EE) with a thesis topic in any of the above research fields.
Salary and benefits:
Remuneration will be highly competitive and commensurate with the applicant's
qualifications and experience. For PhD students, the typical annual stipend
is $30,000 U.S. dollars (tax-free). For postdoctoral research fellows, a
typical annual salary ranges from $50,000 (for fresh PhD) to $70,000 U.S.
dollars (for PhD with very rich and excellent research experience) (tax-free). For the research
scientists, the annual salary starts from $70,000 U.S. dollars. Successful
applicants will also receive attractive compensation and benefit packages
provided by KAUST, including:
Ph.D. students-
(1) Fully-furnished housing (including utilities) at no cost to the student,
(2) Free education at KAUST schools for the student’s children (if there are
(3) Free medical and dental insurance.
(4) Round trip airfare to hometown once per year.
Postdoctoral research fellows-
(1) Fully-furnished housing free (up to a 2 bed-roomed town house) or at a
subsidized price (for larger housing),
(2) Free education at KAUST schools for the children (if there is any),
(3) Medical and dental insurance (local or global plans are available and
(4) Family round trip airfare to hometown once per year.
KAUST will be responsible for actual recruiting decision, appointment offers
and employment benefits.
About KAUST:
King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST) is an international,
graduate-level research university supported by a multi-billion dollar
endowment. With sufficient research funding, highly competitive and merit-based
compensation scheme, state-of-art core facilities, supercomputing machines and
university leadership’s vision and commitment to make KAUST one of the world's
greatest academic institutions, KAUST has attracted a large group of leading
scholars. Furthermore, through a Global Research Partnership, KAUST has built
up deep and meaningful partnerships with the world's most premier institutions
(e.g., Stanford University, University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign, The
University of Oxford, UC Berkeley, Cornell University, University of Texas at
Austin) and biggest companies (e.g., IBM, Boeing, Dow Chemical Company), which
provide KAUST researchers ample opportunities to work with the world's most
leading scientists and to commercialize their research projects. The
aforementioned unrivaled resources available to KAUST researchers offer
unprecedented opportunities for young scientists to build up their career at
KAUST. As to life at KAUST, one can refer to:
For interested applicants please send a cover letter, CV with a complete list
of publications, and contact information of three references to Prof. Jr-Hau
(J.H.) He at jrhau.he@kaust.edu.sa
何志浩(Jr-Hau He)教授目前在KAUST電機系擔任副教授。曾於清華大學與喬治亞理工學院
牙哥分校(2012) 、香港理工大學(2015)擔任訪問學者/教授。
理, 神經形態工程(Neuromorphic engineering),紙印刷電子學,可撓式/透明電子元件
重視,積極參與產學合作、持續技術轉移給工業界。個人曾獲得吳大猷獎(2014) 、中國
電機工程學會優秀青年電機工程師獎 (2013)、台灣鍍膜科技協會傑出青年獎(2012)、中
(2011)、 Prof. Jiang Novel Materials Youth Prize of International Union of
Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) (2011)與潘文淵基金會考察研究獎(2008) 以及獲
選為Member of the Global Young Academy (2011)。何志浩老師為senior IEEE, OSA,
and SPIE會員。有興趣的人,請逕行向何老師聯絡:jrhau.he@kaust.edu.sa。