blackkite (me, myself and I)
2016-02-13 02:26:46※ 引述《chiushandy (是你製造了天氣)》之銘言:
: 剛才超開心接獲通知錄取UC Davis M.P.V.M
: (這是一個獸醫方面的碩士學位,限定MD或DVM申請)
: 但沒有提到funding
: 我很訝異那麼早就接到通知(1/15 dealine才丟出,到現在不到一個月...)
: 擔心是不是因為我在application中寫到有申請過教育部公費留考(不過沒中)
: 可能系上以為我有金援, 才那麼快給我offer且沒發funding?
: 若想寫信問funding的事,該找program coordinator,
: 還是application coordinator呢?
: 第一次申請出國,想請教過來人的經驗,也祝大家都能拿到dream offer!
: P.S. Program網頁上有明確寫道能提供offer:
: Fellowships up to $15,000 are awarded on a competitive basis to eligible
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^
Not everyone can get it? Are you eligible?
: international students enrolling in the program. The Admissions/Student
: Affairs Committee selects the recipients, and there is no separate
: application for these fellowships.
I think asking coordinator is fine. You can always ask her/him point you
to the person knows the answer.
: Fellowships for research project expenses are awarded in Winter Quarter.
: Students are invited to apply, and decisions are made by the
: Admissions/Student Affairs Committee.
: Fee grants are awarded to students enrolled in the MPVM Program. The fee
: grant maximum amount is approximately $1,900 per student and may vary year to
: year.
Looks like you can at least get this one.