justplay (Noblesse Oblige)
2016-08-10 23:55:01※ 引述《brian122040 (尖尖)》之銘言:
: 想請問在明尼蘇達讀書的學長姐
: 一個月的生活費(含房租)大約會落在多少錢
: 另外還想請問如果沒有買車的話會很不方便嗎
I am not able to type any Chinese.
I assume you want to come to Twin Cities.
Monthly cost for living ranges from $500 (shared apartment)
to $900 (1B1B or studio) for students. These places are usually
off-campus but close to public transit. New student housing
near campus is about $800 or more and you share the apartment with
three or four people.
Public transit system is relatively good in Minneapolis.
Light rails allow u to get to most important parts of
Twin citites (e.g., downtowns, airport, MOA). Biking system
is one of the best in US. I bike all year-round.
Not having your car is OK for daily living like shopping or
commuting to U of Minnesota. I drive only for out-door sports.
Or you can think about renting cars when in need.
Lastly, Minnesotans probabily know how to well live in winter
compared to ppl in other states...