[情報] NYU MS-CEI (CS && Business) program

作者: hweric   2017-12-01 04:54:19
NYU CS和NYU Stern businessl school 合開了一個新的一年的program(三個semesters)。
目標是培養tech start-up的人才,所以課程以CS為主(systems, machine learning..),
NYU Courant Institute offers new MS program on Computing, Entrepreneurship and
The Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences at New York University is proud
to announce the creation of an exciting new Master of Science program on
Computing, Entrepreneurship and Innovation (MS-CEI) in collaboration with the
NYU Stern School of Business. The MS-CEI program will train students to become
the next generation entrepreneurs and innovation leaders by providing strong
fundamentals in rigorous computer science applications, systems engineering and
entrepreneurship. The MS-CEI is modeled as an immersive one year program where
students go through the various stages of technological entrepreneurship
including problem conceptualization, idea incubation, product development,
pilot deployment and effectiveness evaluation towards nurturing them to pursue
entrepreneurship. The program leverages the expertise of faculty in the Courant
Institute and the Stern School of Business, the NYU global professional network,
the NYU Entrepreneurial Institute and the broad array of technology enterprises
and startups in NYC to foster the next generation of technical thinkers, leaders
and entrepreneurs.
For prospective students:
Excited by the possibility of making your groundbreaking ideas a reality?
Passionate about workingon highly technical and impactful projects? Want to make
a difference and impact the world of tomorrow? If that is indeed you, you should
definitely consider applying to the new MS program on Computing,
Entrepreneurship and Innovation (MS-CEI). The program is starting Summer 2018
and applications are due by December 18, 2017.
This program is specifically designed for people who already have strong
technical skills (programming and analytical) and a passion for solving problems
using technology. The core program is designed for students who have finished an
ndergraduate degree in computer science, electrical engineering, economics or
mathematics disciplines with a strong background in programming. Another key
ingredient we look for in a student is the passion for pursuing entrepreneurship
and making a difference in this world.
Here is a recent blog post about the program from a top venture capitalist.
We are looking forward to seeing your application.
To learn more about the program, click here.
If you wish to be in email contact regarding the program, register here.
Thank you,
Evan Korth, Director of Graduate Studies, MS-CEI program
Lakshmi Subramanian, Co-organizer, MS-CEI program
作者: catinclay (David)   2017-12-01 05:06:00
感覺好丘 XD
作者: wawi2 (@@)   2017-12-01 05:21:00
NYU: 又多了一個可以收$的科系
作者: NvidiaCUDA (深度學習救台灣)   2017-12-01 08:34:00
作者: bluebluelan (新陰流大目錄免許皆傳)   2017-12-01 13:18:00
作者: stitchris (史迪奇里斯)   2017-12-01 13:46:00
作者: zzzz8931 (肥宅)   2017-12-01 17:17:00
作者: TomFord5566 (湯福56)   2017-12-01 18:18:00
作者: wawi2 (@@)   2017-12-02 09:37:00
NYU學分費1600鎂 粗估學費就要180萬台幣
作者: hweric   2017-12-02 10:28:00
作者: MIKEmike07 (加油!)   2017-12-02 18:52:00
N$Y xD
作者: SpiritWalker (Akai)   2017-12-02 21:44:00
按慣例獎學金應該大部分都不是全獎, NYU 其實挺缺$不過地點問題所以難免, 各種資源成本特別高
作者: hweric   2017-12-02 21:48:00

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