2017-12-04 11:19:46OT 職能治療的朋友, 請看過來 ~
南加大職能治療 (OT) 的2018暑期課程已開始接受申請
南加大的職能治療 (Occupational Therapy, OT) 目前排名全美第三, 每年暑假都會安排
一個為期四周的暑期學期課程, 讓來自各地的同學們 -
* 透過課程學習, 座談, 與參訪復健及心理衛生機構等, 進一步了解美國職能治療領域的
* 學習從更國際化的角度看待職能治療與健康等面向
* 與OT教授及來自不同國家的OT領域人員互動交流, 開展個人的專業人脈
[ 課程基本資訊 ]
官網: http://chan.usc.edu/academics/global-initiatives/soti
日期: 7/2-7/31, 2018 (全長四周)
期限: 3/16, 2018 (採先到先審制, 額滿為止, 建議盡早提出)
適合: 未來有興趣前往美國就學或發展的OT學生或OT治療師
聯絡: Program Director, Daniel Park ([email protected])
[ 來自 SOTI 課程的邀請 ]
The University of Southern California (USC) Chan Division of Occupational
Science and Occupational Therapy is very pleased to announce the 2018 USC
Summer Occupational Therapy Immersion (SOTI) program.
SOTI is a four-week summer program designed for international occupational
therapy (OT) students and practitioners who are interested in learning more
about OT practice in the United States.
In this program, students will:
‧ Gain an empowered understanding of OT in the United States through
lectures and clinical site visits.
‧ Be introduced to occupational science and USC's cutting-edge research by
our renowned faculty.
‧ Network with Los Angeles-based OTs practicing in both traditional and
emerging practice areas.
‧ Develop a global perspective of occupational therapy, health, and wellness
by meeting peers from approximately 20 different countries.
The 2018 SOTI program will be held from July 2 - July 31, 2018. Tuition is
$3600 and housing will be provided free of charge to all participants.
Applications are being accepted now until March 16, 2018, and can be
submitted through the SOTI program website at
http://chan.usc.edu/academics/global-initiatives/soti. Further, testimonials
from past SOTI participants can be found at
http://chan.usc.edu/academics/global-initiatives/media. Early applications
are encouraged as admissions will be offered on a continuous basis.
Any questions can be directed to the SOTI Program Director, Daniel Park, OTD,
OTR/L at [email protected]