[租屋] Purdue徵室友

作者: Hsuehgo (fumo!!!)   2018-04-14 10:43:37
誠徵室友 一間二樓雅房 位於普渡大學北邊 內含1.5衛浴 目前住戶是CS PhD女生
房子對面就有公車站牌 十分鐘到學校 持學生證免費
隔壁就是亞洲超市 生活機能方便
附家具 洗衣機 烘衣機
月租$350 USD 網路水電另計

意者站內信或email: [email protected]
I'm a female computer science PhD student looking for a roommate in a 2
bed+1.5 bath cozy townhouse on Anthrop Drive, West Lafayette.
Rent is $350/month per room plus utilities and internet.
Room is available from May 27th.
The house is fully furnished, has 1.5 bathroom, in-unit washer/dryer, and
off-street parking space.
Conveniently on the same block as Asia Grocery store, 3 minute drive to
Payless Market, 7 minute drive to campus, bus stop on the same street where
#10 bus can take you to campus.
Message me if you are interested!

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