maxo (來 笑一個:)
2018-07-24 19:44:17PhD position:
Characterization of endo-lysosomal ion channels by patch clamp
@ LMU Munich, Germany
More than 70 different ion channels and transporters are harbored in
membranes of intracellular compartments such as endosomes and lysosomes.
Malfunctioning of these channels has been implicated in human diseases such
as lysosomal storage disorders, neurodegenerative and metabolic diseases, as
well as in the progression of certain infectious diseases. As a consequence,
these channels have engendered very high interest as future drug targets. Our
group, is one of a few groups worldwide, which has established the manual
patch clamp technique for endo-lysosomes.
We are currently looking for recent graduates (Pharmacy, Master of Science in
biology, chemistry, pharmaceutical sciences or similar) who are interested in
learning and applying this technique with a particular focus on the
endolysosomal ion channels, i.e. TRPML cation channels (mucolipins) and
two-pore channels (TPCs). We are looking for candidates with high intrinsic
motivation and a drive for scientific innovation and discovery. The candidate
would ideally have experience in molecular biological techniques and would
have strong interest in patch-clamp electrophysiology. The LMU is one of the
top ranked German universities.; our department is located on the LMU’s high
tech campus (Munich Grosshadern) with close proximity to several Max-Planck
institutes and other research institutions.
If you believe you fit this description then please send a brief letter of
motivation, a short CV highlighting your academic and research accomplishments
to [email protected]
Selected recent publications:
1) Chao et al. TPC2 polymorphisms associated with a human hair pigmentation
phenotype result in gain of channel function by independent mechanisms. PNAS
114:E8595-E8602, 2017.
2) Chen et al. Patch clamp technique to characterize ion channels in individual
intact endolysosomes. Nature Protoc 12:1639-1658, 2017.
3) Grimm et al. High susceptibility to fatty liver disease in two-pore channel
2-deficient mice. Nature Commun 5:4699, 2014.
慕尼黑藥學系博士班(Research group of Prof. Martin Biel)徵才
德國博士學程授課系統(可參LSM Munich www.lsm.bio.lmu.de/) 全英語授課,
帶月薪(E13/2: >1000EUR/M)。修業時間:3.5-4.5年。歡迎有生科、藥學、醫學相關
研究工作內容: 細胞內胞器膜片箝制技術(Intracelluar organelle patch-clamp)、
螢光共軛焦顯微鏡(Confocal Microscopy)、動物細胞培養(primary culture cell)等。
有興趣者,歡迎將CV與相關資料寄至 [email protected]