地點:Fairway Apartment
房型:Unfurnished 2B1B (位於二樓)
租期:2019 January to July (12/10就可入住)
租金:Negotiable $1039 for entire apartment (含water$30)
交通:附車位,Easy commute to Purdue campus through Bus 4B (1 min walk) an
10 (5 min walk),10號公車站旁就是亞洲超市
公設: Free access to 24 hours clubhouse (high-speed internet), fitness
center, and swimming pool.
今年八月才remodel,全新的hard floor,全屋都沒有地毯 ; 全新的kitchen appliance
,包括冰箱、微波爐、洗碗機、stove。Full size washer & dryer in unit
備註 :有意者請寄信到[email protected]