各位版友大家好,小弟目前國內CS碩班休學中準備申請2020 Fall CS MS, 因為在UCLA CS的FAQ中看到:
Q2.ay I apply to the M.S. program if I already have earned or will soon earn a master’s degree?
A2. You will not be considered for admission into the M.S. program if you already have a master’s degree in computer science or similar discipline such as information sciences or data systems nor will you be considered if you are currently enrolled in an M.S. program. s with many computer science departments, the number of qualified applicants far exceeds the number of available seats.
小弟已經爬過許多文章,最接近的情況是一位申請上UCLA MSE的版友,但MSE的FAQ僅說持有碩士不被考慮,沒有標注若是有註冊的情況。小弟也寄信詢問了系辦但一個禮拜了還沒有回信(前天又寄了一封QQ)