關於gatech的decision letter

作者: rainbow5052 (yplin)   2020-05-03 01:01:11
我是申請美國2020fall EE的同學,領域是VLSI Design.打算在畢業後在美國工作個幾年再回台灣。
Thank you for applying to the Master of Science (MS) degree program in the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) at Georgia Tech for the Fall 2020 semester. Although you meet our high standards for admission, we unfortunately cannot accommodate you on the Atlanta campus due to a capacity limit. We are, however, happy to accommodate you on either one of Georgia Tech’s two international campuses – Georgia Tech-Lorraine, located in Metz, France, or Georgia Tech-Shenzhen, located in Shenzhen,
The MS ECE program on either of these two international campuses is identical to the MS ECE program in Atlanta, with the same degree requirements. All courses are taught in English, by Georgia Tech faculty or adjunct faculty, following the Georgia Tech course catalog. In the end, the same prestigious Georgia Tech MS ECE degree is granted as if you were studying on the Atlanta campus.
The tuition rates at Georgia Tech-Shenzhen and Georgia Tech-Lorraine are significantly lower than the out-of-state tuition rate at Georgia Tech-Atlanta. Housing costs are also lower at both international campuses which make attending either of these two international campuses more affordable than at Georgia Tech-Atlanta, where non-Georgia residents pay out–of–state tuition.
After spending the first two semesters at either international campus, students in good standing have the option of completing their degree on any of the three Georgia Tech campuses – Atlanta, Lorraine, or Shenzhen. When students exchange to another campus, they pay the tuition and fees for that particular campus.
2.我目前已經上了幾間學校 Columbia EE, USC EE,ASU EE, Pen state CSE,不知道放棄哥大或南加去GT分校是不是值得的(如果我最後有成功轉到美國本校區然後拿到opt 及文憑的情況下)
5.若成功申請第二年到本校區的交換,是否要改成research base 才能拿到opt?
作者: nanjolno (nanjolno)   2020-05-03 09:15:00
同一個標題還有兩篇 可以站內作者問問(?#1SWqONZu #1SXAPyEK
作者: flyingahead (Lester)   2020-05-03 12:35:00

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