LoauPi (我是老皮!!)
2020-10-12 23:39:56我幫我以前博士班的同事代po
他是真強者可以學到很多東西 我跟他相比就是垃圾了...
他的papers: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=S4he6AgAAAAJ&hl=en
PS 一年獎學金大概~50000瑞士法郎 大概等於台幣150萬 共給四年
瑞士稅大概5% (離開太久忘了...)
To all my friends somehow related to science: I have been awarded a grant to
start my own research group at University of Zurich. I have 1-2 positions for
a PhD student in organic chemistry available (full-time position for 4
years, ~50k CHF p.a.), starting from fall 2020 (latest January 1, 2021). It
would be immensely helpful if you could pass this offer to any and all people
that you think could be potentially interested, or just post it on a notice
board of your department/university. Thanks for any help! More info at: