[考題] 103高雄聯招英文科

作者: jeremiahncue (ncue)   2014-06-21 19:34:03
1.選擇題:vocabulary and cloze (15%)
2.Essay: to share effective and creative listening activities (15%)
3. (1) to elaborate "reading is a psycholinguistic guessing game"
(2) Design a reading test on William Blake's "The Tyger"
a. main idea
b. vocabulary/idiom...
c. image
d. rhyme pattern (20%)
(Reading comprehension questions should include these four dimensions.)
4. An article about World Design Capital, Cape Town
(1) Write a summary in the length of 260 words.
(2) Design a cloze test with the summary. (20%)
5. To design a one-hour lesson plan to teach topic sentences and
supporting ideas. (10%)
6. A composition on whether high-speed electronic communications hinder
or assist interpersonal relationship. (20%)
作者: doutzy (mp3快回來我身邊)   2014-06-21 20:11:00
作者: hoinoi (光羨慕是沒有用的)   2014-06-21 20:20:00
作者: Juliet (覆盆子馬卡龍)   2014-06-21 20:35:00
我英文程度不好,想請問第5題到底是出reading還是writing?因為它說writing lesson plan...
作者: jeremiahncue (ncue)   2014-06-21 21:11:00
writing 沒錯,but read to write 看怎麼設計嘍
作者: doutzy (mp3快回來我身邊)   2014-06-21 21:12:00
提早交也有可能是放棄...:p 第五題是寫作沒錯
作者: GD98 (每天都要讓自己過的更好)   2014-06-21 22:37:00

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