1. 102新竹市複試:因為我之前都是教高職,所以完全沒有國中經驗,
所幸試教分數接近80還Ok,只是口試太低> <
2. 103年新北試國中複試:範圍2、4、6冊,我這一年是教7、8年級,
1. 教具簡單不花俏,只有句型條和三張圖片,沒有記分板。
2. 只教3個句子,一次只帶一個重點。
3. 多和學生互動,我自己教1句,
4. 下去巡的時候,可以微蹲在學生旁邊輕聲問他們有沒有問題,或是引導他們練習句型。
5. 肢體語言盡量豐富,我不是走誇張路線的人,
6. 一定要請考上的朋友或正式老師幫忙看試教,
分享流程,我抽到7下U7【How often do you take a bath?】
Good morning everyone! (大聲有活力地踏進教室)
How are you today? Me, excited! (有肢體語言,雙手指向自己)
Because It's our English happy time.
Are you ready? Louder,please. I can't hear you.
Yes! Excellent!
Today, we are going to learn B2 U7 【How often do you take a bath?】
Repeat after me, How often do you take a bath?
One more time, How often do you take a bath? Great!
Before the class, I am going to check your homework.
Take out your homework (開始走下去巡)
Allen, good job!
Ben, nice work.
Cindy, Danny, good. (人名按照ABCD以免等等忘記開始亂叫名字QQ)
Wow! Everyone has finished you homework. Excellent!
→How often (do先不貼) you clean the house?
I clean the house (once a week先不貼).
Now, I am going to ask you a question.
"Do you clean your room every day?"
I hear someone say no!
I (teacher) clean the house on Wednesdays and Fridays.
That means two times a week.
Cinderella cleans the house everyday. Seven times a week!
If we want to ask the frequency of doing one thing,
we will use the words "How often …"
"Frequency" means 頻率
Look at the sentence pattern "How often…"
You will need auxiliary "do" and "does"
"auxiliary" means 助動詞
(把do 貼到句型裡) Please repeat after me.
→How often do you clean the house?
I clean the house once a week (once a week邊念邊貼上去)
We are talking about times and a period of time, so we use "once a week"
Now, I am going to change the subject to "he" (放上he的字卡)
Allen, which do you like, "Do" or "does"? (剛好複習U5句型)
Allen says "does". Great! Because "he" is third person singular.
Ben, he "clean" or "cleans" ? Ben say "cleans".
Good, because "he" is third person singular,
we have to put "s" after the verb.
(把he cleans the house 寫在黑板上,然後貼上twice a month)
OK, please repeat after me.
→How often does he clean the house?
He cleans the house twice a month.
Remember we are talking about times
and a period of time, so we use "twice a month".
拿出run的圖卡問學生What is he doing?
He is running, right? (做出跑步的樣子)
Now, form a group of two.
One takes the card and asks the question 【How often do you……】
The other one just answers the question 【I run…..】
Don't forget the times and a period of time (指著once a week對學生說)
I give you three minutes to practice.
Ok, time's up. (拍拍手)
Cindy, what's your question?
Cindy says " How often do you run?" Great!
Danny, how do you answer?
Danny says " I run three time(故意寫成time) a year".
Hmm, there is a small mistake in this sentence.
Ben, can you tell me what the mistake is?
Ben says three "times" .
Yes, because time is countable here, we have to use three times.
Ok, repeat aftern me " How often do you run?" " I run three times a year".
Allen, how often does Danny run?
Allen says "he runs three times a year."
不慌不忙的拿出兩張圖(read & swim)
Please use these two pictures to make sentences 【How often……】
I will check your homework next time.
Byebye , see you next time (甜美微笑做為完美的ending)