1. matching (有6題,把8個句子的描述跟相對的主旨配對,文章段落是有關於transport
2. 段落重組(將五個句子重組成一個通順的段落)
3. True or false(A- statements that support the author’s opinions/ B- stateme
nts that contradict the author’s opinions/ C- statements that you can infer f
rom the author, 好像有6-7個選項,不太記得,之後試題應該會公布,文章是有關searc
hing engine的可靠跟可信度,因為社群網站像facebook或twitter 會幫你過濾你不喜歡
1. Cloze design (design 8 cloze questions with four options and underline the
answer to each question. )文章是Taj Mahal, 應該就是課文了。(12%)
2. Write two short argumentative articles (150-200 words) in terms of the topi
A. Voluntary euthanasia should be legalized. (10%)
B. Voluntary euthanasia shouldn’t be legalized. (10%)
3. The 12-graders-to-be are usually asked to participate in the course during
summer vacation in preparation for their college entrance exam. Describe the f
requently encountered problems, reasons for them, and how you would deal with
them. (15%)
4. Elaborate on the inverted structures and explain how you will teach them(意
A. Only.... (8%)
B. ....as/ though.... (8%)
5. How do you “effectively” and “efficiently” train students to write a pi
cture story? (15%)