1. The Norton Anthology Western listerature
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2. The norton anthology of English literature
精裝 8e volume 1 定價3522 預售1100(含運費)
九成新 含些許筆記 買就送文學史重點整理!
3. The Reader’s Companion to World Literature
作者: Hornstein, Lillian Herlands (EDT)/ Edel, Leon (EDT)/ Frenz, Horst
(EDT)/ Percy, G. D. (EDT)/ Brown, Sterling Allen (EDT)
原文出版社:New Amer Library Classics
定價348 售200(含運費)
4. Literature An Introduction to fiction, peotry and drama
interactive eidition / 精裝版
作者: Kennedy, X. J./ Gioia, Dana
原文出版社:Pearson College Div
定價4144 預售1200(含運費) 含筆記!
5. Great Essays
second edition
作者: Keith S. Folse 售200(運費50)
6. Choice readings
作者: Clarke, Dobson and Silberstein
售250 (運費50)
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