
作者: vanpudding (味道能喚起塵封的記憶)   2014-05-26 22:21:14
[必]工 作 量:985 字(請載明字數,或估算大約總字數。違者直接刪文。)
[必]文件類型:科普(例:論文摘要/期刊/書信。* 專業文類必須符合對應最低費率要求)
[必]截 稿 日:5/30 12:00pm(若為急件,請加乘急件費率。計算方式請見置底公告)
[必]應徵期限:5/27 11:00am
付費方式: 交件後匯款
[選]試 譯 文:Mammals all have a neocortex, so for us, brains are primarily (in some
respects) a question of scale. Our two big developments: opposable thumbs and
a bipedal frame, which ran synchronologically. Opposable thumbs were first
observed in animals from around 60 million years ago – but they could only
really fully develop when they were free to be used, around the time when our
ancestral knuckles stopped scraping the savannah fl oor. As thumbs improved,
we spent less time on our forelegs.
作者: J1stlove (蛤哈蛤哈蛤哈哈)   2014-05-27 09:18:00
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