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※ 引述《milochiou (Monkey)》之銘言:
: PS. 增加了試潤稿段落,煩請應徵者參閱,謝謝!
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: [必]工 作 量: 14542字
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: [必]涉及語言: 英文
: [必]所屬領域: 土木/GIS
: [必]文件類型: 碩士論文
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: [選]試 譯 文:
: 1.1 Background
: The building information modeling (BIM) can be defined as: “…… a digital
: representation of physical and functional characteristics of a facility. A
: BIM is a shared knowledge resource for information about a facility forming a
: reliable basis for decisions during its life-cycle; defined as existing from
: earliest conception to demolition.” (NBIMS, 2014). Furthermore, BIM can be
: interpreted into three different aspects: the business process for generating
: building data to design the building during its lifecycle, the digital
: representation of physical and functional characteristics of a facility, and
: the organization and control of business process (buildingSMART, 2012). The
: essential concept of BIM is integration, which means the building models
: digitally support the collaboration (Penttila, 2009). Figure 1-1 (a) shows
: the different disciplines in BIM-models, i.e., architecture, structure, MEP
: (Mechanical, Electrical, & Plumbing Engineering). In these collaborative
: processes, the digital information can be extracted from each discipline.
: [選]其他事項:其他問題請EMAIL聯絡,謝謝
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