The global campaigning organisation Avaaz is looking for freelance translators
in Mandarin Chinese!
The ideal candidate is a great writer with a strong eye for detail who can
authentically convey the tone and spirit of Avaaz’ campaigns - and who is
flexible, fast and fun to work with! If that sounds like you or someone you
know, please send an e-mail to (請暫勿來信) with your CV and a short
note about yourself!
[必]企業/組織全名:Avaaz Foundation
[必]負 責 人:
[必]地 址:
[必]電 話:
[選]傳 真:
[必]工作類型:Mandarin (Traditional Chinese) translator
[必]涉及語言:English - Mandarin
[必]所屬領域:human rights/environment/animal rights...
[必]報酬計算:paid by hours (Rates vary with location and experience)
[必]聯 絡 人: