Dadai123 (Dadai)
2019-03-14 19:00:54※ 注意事項:
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[必]企業/組織全名:艾格科技有限公司 www.xcreativemedia.com
[必]負 責 人:高秀美
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[必]聯 絡 人:Stella Kao
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1. Upgrades to Windows 10 will be available February 1 for installed-base
customers with existing E5061B and E5063A with older operating systems.
E5061B可於2月1日後升級為 Windows 10,升級對像僅限於安裝使用型的客戶,且客戶必
須已配備現行的 E5061B 或 配備較老舊作業系統的 E5063A。
2. For the first time customers can combine power supplies and e-Loads in the
same ecosystem while allowing preservation of precious rack space. Customers
can mix and match over 30 power supply modules and these two new e-Loads in
the same N6700C mainframe.
能混合與搭配超過 30 個電源供應器模組和兩種電子負載於 N6700C 主機。