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[選]語言證照:(TOEIC 2018)
[選]自我介紹:113 理學Ph. D.
一、 論文(Papers)
1. W. A. Loong, C. M. Lin, S. P. Tseng, W. L. Yeh,
“The correlation between the chemical compositions
and optical properties of TiSixNy as an embedded
layer for AttPSM in 193 nm”,
Microelectronic Engineering 57-58 (2001) pp. 481.
2. W. A Leong, H. Y. Lin, W. L. Yeh,
“Study on the optimization of high transmittance
attenuated phase-shifting mask by design of experiment”,
2002 International Microprocesses and Nanotechnology Conference, 2002. Digest of Papers.
3. K. T. Yeh, C. H. Lin, J. R. Hu and W. A. Loong,
“Modified Reflectance–Transmittance Method for the
Metrology of Thin Film Optical Properties”,
Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 45 (2006) pp. 1566.
4. K. T. Yeh and W. A. Loong,
“Simulations of Mask Error Enhancement Factor in
193nm Immersion Lithography”,
Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 45 (2006) pp. 2481.
5. K. T. Yeh, and W. A. Loong,
“Simulation for Optimization of Mask Error Enhancement Factor
by Design of Experiments in Both Dry and Immersion ArF Lithography”,
Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 45 (2006) pp. 6216.
6. K. T. Yeh, H. Y. Lin and W. A. Loong,
“Simulation of Applications of High-Transmittance Embedded Layer
in Transmittance Control Mask and Optimization of
Attenuated Phase-Shifting Mask by Design of Experiment”,
Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 46 (2007) pp. 105.
7. J. S. Chen, K. T. Yeh, C. C. Wu and D. Y. Kao,
“IR Study of Monomer–Dimer Selfassociation of
2,2-Dimethyl-3-ethyl-3-pentanol in n-Octane:
Determination of the Molar Absorptivities of
Monomer and Dimer Bands, and Dimerization Constants
Using Novel Equations”,
J. Solution chem.. 42 (2013) pp. 2269.
8. J. S. Chen, K. T. Yeh, W. Y. Chang and J. K. Baird,
“Estimation of the Moments of the Residence Time and First
Passage Time from Experimentally Measurable Permeation Parameters
via a New Formulation of the Transmission Matrix”,
J. Chin. chem. Soc. 61 (2014) pp. 867.
9. K. T. Yeh and C. Y. Huang,
“Two new design methods for lithography mask:
phase-shifting scattering bar and interlaced phase-shifting mask”,
Proc. SPIE 9256 (2014) pp. 95260W-1
10. J. S. Chen, K. T. Yeh and W. Y. Chang,
“Green’s Function and Eigenvalue Representation of Time Lag
for Absorptive Permeation Across a Heterogeneous Membrane”,
J. Chin. chem. Soc. 64 (2017) pp. 1048.
11. J. S. Chen, K. T. Yeh, D. Y. Kao and J. K. Baird,
“Toward a Better Determination of Infrared Molar Absorptivities
and Dimer Formation Constants in Self-association
Through Hydrogen Bonding:
3-Ethyl-2-methyl-3-pentanol in Tetrachloroethylene as an Example”,
J. Chin. chem. Soc. 64 (2017) pp. 1156.
12. J. S. Chen, K. T. Yeh and W. Y. Chang,
“Insights into the Kramers’ flux-over-population rate
for chemical reactions in liquid phases through
the matrix transport equation”,
J. Chin. chem. Soc. 66 (2019) pp. 899.
二、 專利(Patents)
1. K. T. Yeh, “Optical proximity correction photomask”, US Patent 8524424 (2013)