op1213 (O_____<)
2018-10-07 09:52:55交易ID/交易者稱呼 :op1213
日期 12/26-1/09
12/26 DAY1:
Airport rent car-> Polynesian Hostel Beach Club check in rest->Waikiki Beach->
Avenue、Royal Hawaiian Center、Pearl Harbor->International Market Place(shoppi
ng time) 1.Waikiki Beach:威基基海海岸線僅約20分鐘路路程處,180foot長的YO-257沉
船,位於威基基海海岸線 附近,deep 24米。
12/27 DAY2:
Breakfast->Diamond Head State Monument(Summit of Diamond Head Crater)—>Diamon
d Head Beach Park/light house->Wiliwilinui Ridge Trail?->Lunch->Spitting Cave/
Cockroach cove->Back to hotel->Dinner
1.Diamond Head State Monument:360度俯視全景,約40-60mins 760foot(營業:06AM-6PM;
最 後入場4:30pm 一台 車車五USD入場費,有免費停 車車場)
2.Wiliwilinui Ridge Trail:全程45mins easy(風景美 可去可不去)
3.Spitting Cave:huge cliff jump 70 fit.但很美!
4.Cockroach cove:峽 谷型海海灘,可自潛
12/28 DAY3:
Breakfast->Cheak out->Crouching Lion Hike->rest drive around->Lunch->Lanikai B
each/Kailua Beach->Dinner->City Chill
1.Crouching Lion Hike:30-45mins (Parking is available just up the road at Swan
zy Beach Park.)
2.Lanikai Beach/Kailua Beach:相鄰的海海攤 都可潛 衝浪 sup
12/29 DAY4:
Breakfast->Tom Tom Trail->Makapu’u Point Lighthouse Trail(Makapu’u tide pool
s)->lunch— >check in->Airport16:38 others arrive->Switch car->Waikiki walking
1.Tom Tom Trail:從Makapu’u lookout parking lot and cross the road開始.全程6.6
km,只到Tom Tom Trail Puka洞洞來來回3-4km
2.Makapu’u Point Lighthouse Trail最簡單燈塔路路線來來回1.5 小時,trail 一開
始有差路路 至沙灘,0.7km有 潮汐池,可下 水。
12/30 DAY5:
The Stairway to Heaven Hike(really early/illegal)-》Back to hotel->Koko Crat(
>Makapu’u Beach->Spitting Cave->clean up have lunch->lulumahu falls(看體 力
力)->back to hotel 1.The Stairway to Heaven Hike違法路路徑,5點出發來來回3-4
小時,私 人 土地停 車車,穿過森林林及 竹 子林林 2.Koko Crater:舊鐵路路
3.Makapu’u Beach:沙灘,周圍有天然形成的泳池
4.Spitting Cav類似跳 水灣 5.lulumahu falls 瀑布 30分路路程
12/31 DAY6:
Breakfast->8:30 Skydive—>Makua Beach/Kawela Bay->Turtle Bay Beach->shark cove
Cheak in- >Hotel rest Ready for night’s party in Waikiki Beach (BAR Maybe)
1.Makua Beach/Kawela Bay:沙灘及海海灣 美
2.Turtel Bay Beach:有機會可看到海海 龜在沙灘上及鯨 魚
3.shark cave:海海灣 自潛, 生態豐富 海海底洞洞穴,可冬天浪 大不是下 水,可
01/01 DAY7:
Breakfast->Shark Research Snorkel->hotle rest->Lunch->Electric Beach(Kahe poin
bay->Cromwell’s rock pool(看狀狀況)->China walls->Dinner(Buy next’s day’s b
reakfest)->Hotel 1.Shark Research Snorkel:鯊 魚游泳
2.Electric Beach(Kahe point) 自潛天堂區,有海海底佛像
3.Cromwell’s rock pool天然泳池
4.China walls:岩 石上觀浪區看夕陽
5.waimea bay:去就對了了 跳 水 水下洞洞 There are several tunnels but the ma
in one, also closest to
the shore, is only a five second swim through an eerie cave. Fish swim around
you as you push through towards the light on the other side.
01/02 DAY8:Free day (BIG Island)
01/03 DAY9:
05:05-05:46Flight to Big island->rent car->Breakfast->city shopping-> End Of T
he World- >Honaunau National Historical Park->Honaunau bay->Bay Side Adventure
s(sun set)->Hotel- >Dinner
1.The End Of The World美麗跳 水灣
2.Honaunau National Historical Park:類似原住名公園 3.Honaunau bay可 自潛 適合
4.Bay Side Adventures 可玩獨 木 舟 自潛 夕陽美
01/04 Day10:
Breakfast->09:00 Large Animal Encounters boat tour with konafreedivers(160/per
)>Check in rest-
>lunch->Kailua-Kona City buy supplies->Magic Sands Beach Park->Dinner->Mauna K
ea(Stars, 4000m up)
1.Large Animal Encounters boat tour with konafreedivers:船潛
2.Magic Sands Beach Park:海海灘Chill
3.Mauna Kea:4000公尺 高 山觀星 很冷
01/05 DAY11
Breakfast->Check out->Kahalu'u Beach Park->Captain Cook Monument trail(Captain
James Cook Monument,Kealakekua Bay)->Lunch->South Point Park(Papako lea Gree
n Sand Beach)- >Check in rest->Dinner
1.Kahalu'u Beach Park:海海灘 可下 水 可遇鯊 魚
2.Captain Cook Monument trail簡單爬 山 會爬到Kealakekua Bay玩 水 3.outh Poin
t Park(Papako lea Green Sand Beach):打倒最南端很美的海海灘
01/06 DAY12 (prepare food on the way) 可能會因國家公園關閉 而取消
Breakfast->Crater Rim Drive: Jaggar museum、(Halemaumau Crater)(Devastation Tr
ail)(Kilauea Iki
Crater Overlook)(Thurston Lava Tube)->Ki lauea Iki Trailhead->PUU OO->Chain o
f Craters Rd- >Ho lei Sea Arch->Hotel->Dinner
01/07 DAY13 Breakfast->Check out->Rainbow Falls(Peepee waterfalls/Walale water
>Kaumana Cave->Akaka Falls State Park(有時間再去)->Back to Kona(North East way
)->have some lunch->airport->switch car back to city for supplies->Pololu Vall
ey(Pololu Valley Lookout- >Camp
01/08 DAY14
Breakfast->->Hawi Town cill(local shop, coffee)->Samuel M. Spencer Beach Park-
>Ha puna Beach->Waialea Beach (Beach 69)->Kekaha Kai State Park->have some lu
nch->airport->City shop for Camp.
01/09 DAY15 Airport back to Oahu->Taiwan