尊敬的用户,您已累计使用套餐内80%流量。您的套餐将在 17/01/2020 23:59截止。当您使用完套餐内流量后您仍可使用免费流量,但网速将有所降低。如需高速4G/3G流量,您可通过微信小程序购买流量包。微信乐游卡 Dear customer, You have used 80% of the data in your WeChat Go bundle that is valid till 17/01/2020 23:59. When you reach 100% of your data bundle you can still use internet without extra cost. At that moment the data speed will be reduced. When you want to use internet at full speed you can buy an additional
data bundle in the WeChat mini program. Kind regards, WeChat Go
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