剛好看到這篇 給大家參考QQ
Teaching Yoga isn’t a profession – it’s a side job
I have been warned about this, and I will do my duty and warn you:
Do. Not.Quit. Your. Occupation. For. An. Unlikely. Career. In. Yoga.
Don’t do it!
Yoga is like blogging. It is something that is best enjoyed in small, fun
doses on the side. Unless you will be moving to a town where there is not a
single Yoga teacher within a radius of at least 50 kilometers, do not open a
Yoga studio. You will be losing all your money, and you will be left with no
perspective after 35. Do yourself a favor and trust me on this one.
※ 引述《shannienie (至始至終都是個外人)》之銘言:
: 標題: [請益] 瑜珈職涯
: 時間: Mon Aug 8 15:11:48 2016
: 最近在考慮是否該去上瑜珈師資培訓班
: 因為還蠻不便宜的
: 也需要認真投入時間學習
: 想請教在台灣瑜珈老師的收入是時薪約多少上下?
: 若日後考慮移居國外
: 這張國際認證
: 在歐美的收入會是多少行情?
: 因與職涯規劃有關係
: 謝謝各位分享