mulin (毛絨絨泰迪熊)
2003-09-08 11:28:02SEOUL AGREEMENT
AUGUST 22,2003
After the Governing Council Meeting in Tokyo, we have agreed to cooperate
further to discuss about the stucture of the ALSA International Board, and
have binded all the association within through the Tokyo Agreetment. Almost
a year afterward, we have met at the Third Asian Law Students' Association in
Seoul, Korea and held the Governing Council Meeting for five consecutive days,
and have come to the dicision of the following agreement. We hope that his has
set the groundwork for the next Governing Council to be held in Bangkok,
We agreed upon a Memorandum of Understanding for premises to the discussion.
(i) The selected President for the International Board should be from the
hosting country of the next annual conference.
(ii)the composition of the International Board will not change from the
following agreement no matter what type of method we use for the selection of
the Board members.
The agenda for this Governing Council Meeting has been named the Achievement
Goals for the Construction of ALSA International Board and Its Relationship
to the Natinoal Boards. There are three parts to this agenda; (i) the function
of ALSA International Board; (ii) the composition and the function of each
positions within the International Board; (iii) the relationship between the
International Board and the National Boards of each respective member
The International Board refers to the Cabinet, or the Governing Council of the
Asian Law Students' Association.
1.The function of the International Board of the Asian Law Students'
Association is as follows:
(1) The International Board is to evaluate the previous year's international
exchange and activities, and the activities and management of each respective
National Boards.
(2) The International Board is to set up the annual plan for the term.
2. The positions and functions of the International Board Cabinet(Governing
Council) is as follows:
(1) The President represents the Asian Law Students' Association and stands as
the Chairperson for the Governing Council Meeting of the International Board
Cabinet(Governing Council). The president has three basic tasks to carry out
throughout his/her term; (i) oversee all international activities; (ii) oversee
all Presidents of each members National Boards; (iii) be in charge of
international relations and contacts.
(2) The Governing Council is to further discuss the establishment of the
position of vice presidency during the Governing COuncil Meetings for the next
four years and make their decision of establishment, non-establishment, or
deferrance. The functions of the Vice-president is defined as the person who
assists the President and takes over if the President is not able to carry out
his/her tasks.
(3)The Secretary General is in charge of collecting the overall information for
the Asian Law Students' Associatino. In addition, he/she keeps track of all
documents, records minutes of all meetings, and manage the website/homepage of
the Association.
(4) The Treasure is an independent agency in charge of all financial matters
within the International Board of ALSA. He/She should set up a budget plan
according to the annual planfor the term, and record every income and outcome
of finance accurately, as well as evaluate the previous year's accounting
(5) The Committee of Public Relations holds responsibility of two main
activities; sponsorship and recruitment of new members to each National Board.
Therefore, the Committee should cooperate to win sponsorship for the
International Board and keep track and record of sponsorship conditions of each
National Board. It should also be in charge of keeping track and records of
tactics and conditions of advertisement and recruitment of each National Board.
(6) The Committee of Academic Activities holds responsibility to establish the
major theme for the term that will bind all international academic activities
and also set goals to which the Committee expects to achieve. However, the
academic activities of each National Board is considered independent from this
major theme, for each National Board should be able to keep accordance with
national interests and issues. The Committee also has the task of evaluating
the theme and collecting information about the conditions of the academic
activities in each National Board and organize the updates of legal issues from
all member countries.
(6-1) We hereby agree upon a Memorandum of Understanding that the evaluation of
the term's major theme may be consulted by external personnel, i.e. prefessors
and legal professionals.
(7) After it is decided that each member country is prepared and fit to
organize internship exchange programs, the Governing Council Meeting should
further discuss the establishment of the Committee of International Internship
Exchange Program.
We hereby set forth the agenda for the next Governing Council Meeting at the
15th Annual ASEAN Law Students' Conference in October in Bangkok, Thailand. The
articles of the next agenda is as follows:
1. The relationship Between the International Board and each National Board.
2. The method of the Selection of Each International Board(Governing Council)
3. The Annual Conference of the Asian Law Students' Association.
4.The Actual Selection of the Board Members and the Host of the First Annual
We hereby all agree to the above articles.
Kim, Hyun Jee Faith
The Asian Law Students' Association of Korea
Sun, Jiaxu
Vice President
The Project of the Asian Law Students' Association of China
Moriya, Haruki
The Asian Law Students' Association of Japan
Tsai, Hsing-Chuan
The Asian Law Students' Association of Taiwan
Wong, Inmeng
The ASEAN Law Students' Association of Thailand
* Memorandum of understanding on the Authority of contacts
; The Committee should always contact and consult the President first before
making connections to the National Board, and only after receiving a note of
consent from both the President of ALSA International Board and the President
of the National Board in that order, can the committee be independent to
direct contacts with the concerning committees within the National Board.