Disputed finds put humans in South America 22,000 years ago
Brazilian site may have been home to people before the Clovis hunters
Stone tools unearthed at a Brazilian rock-shelter may date to as early as
22,000 years ago. Their discovery has rekindled debate about whether ancient
people reached the Americas long before the famed Clovis hunters spread through
parts of North America around 13,000 years ago.
在巴西一處石窟(Toca da Tira Peia rock-shelter)出土的石器,被認為是22000年前之
(Clovis hunters,Clovis Culture)還要更早抵達美洲的人
These relics of ancient South Americans add to evidence from nearby sites
challenging the longstanding view of Clovis people as the first Americans,
a team led by geochronologist Christelle Lahaye of the University of Bordeaux 3
and archaeologist Eric Boëda of the University of Paris X reports March 4 in
the Journal of Archaeological Science.
加了一項證據,這個團隊是由波爾多第三大學的地質年代學家 Christelle Lahaye 及巴黎
第五大學的考古學家 Eric Boëda 所帶領,發表於三月四日的考古學期刊(Journal of
Archaeological Science)
"We have new, strong evidence that the Clovis-first model is out of date,"
Lahaye says.
Lahaye 說"我們有新的、有力的證據,說明"克洛維斯-第一"模式已經過時了"