Soft tissue, abdominal wall, resection
Low-grade fibromyxoid sarcoma, FNCLLCC grade 1 , pT2, positive margin
Immunohistochemical study (IHC2020-6784):
The tumor is EMA(E29)(+), MUC4(+),CD34(QBEND10)(-),SMA(-),desmin(D33)(-),B-ca
tenin(-),and S-100(-). The immunoprofile suggests low grade fibromyxoid sarcom
Clinical correlation or genetic analysis recommended.
A. Tumor type : Low-grade fibromyxoid sarcoma
B. Location : abdominal wall
C. Tumor size 7.3x6.3x4.3cm
D. Tumor Grade :Grade 1
Differentiation : score 2
Mitosis : 0-9/10HPF (Score 1)
Necrosis : 0 (no necrosis)
E. Pathologic stage (TNM classification)
PT2 (Tumor more than 5cm and less than 10 cm)
pNx (regional lymph nodes cannot be assessed)
PMx(metastasis cannot be assessed based on received specimen)
F. Margins : positive (medial and superficial margin)