k8187 (kk)
2024-05-22 05:43:34老婆上週5/13定期回診乳房超音波順便做了乳房攝影,結果5/15通知說有發現微小鈣化點
Spot compression and magnification view mammography of left breast shows: This
study has been compared to previous mammography on 20220627The breast is mode
rately/heterogeneous dense, which could obscure detection of small masses (ap
proximately 51-75% glandular, BI-RADS type III) S/P excisional biopsy of lef
t breast with parenchymal change over UOQ partScattered, dot-like/ring/tea-c
up-like calcification(s) over the visualized left breast(s)Newfound grouped am
orphous calcification(s) over lower central part of left breast.No focal masse
s or clustered calcifications are visible, although the dense surrounding tiss
ue could conceivably obscure true lesion(s) There are visible enlarged lymph n
odes with lucent hila over the left axillary region(s), probably benign lymph
nodes.No evident nipple(s) retraction over the visualized field. No evident sk
in thickening of breast(s) over the visualized field. Conclusion: S/P excisio
nal biopsy of left breast with parenchymal change over UOQ partBenign calcific
ation(s) in left breast. *** Newfound grouped amorphous calcification(s) over
lower central part of left breast, suggest biopsyACR BI-RADS Category IVb (Thi
s category indicates intermediate suspicious abnormality-biopsy should be cons