ntbi (口屋~)
2019-04-07 19:11:46You may have truly believed that a recent negotiation would be a piece of cake
, Aquarius, and that you would prevail in getting what you wanted. But things
may not have gone as well as planned. However, that does not mean that you can
't get most of what you want, or that everyone can't wind up satisfied. If you
listen openly and without preconceived judgments, you may discover that you a
re on the same page as others more of the time than you realized. Keep working
at it.
你可能真的相信最近的談判將是非常容易的,水瓶座,並且你會獲得你想要的東西。 但
事情可能與預想的不一樣。 然而,這並不意味著你無法獲得你想要的,或者每個人都無
法滿足。 如果您開放地聆聽並且沒有預設立場,你可能會發現你與其他人比所意識到的
還要想法一致。 繼續努力。