ntbi (口屋~)
2019-05-10 09:07:31Have you explored all of your options where an important upcoming decision is
concerned? You may not think you have to do that, Aquarius, because one option
, in particular, might seem like the obvious choice, and you are willing to go
with it. However, you can't really be certain you are doing the best thing un
til you at least take a look and consider anything else that might be availabl
e to you. It certainly can't hurt to do so, and it might even keep you from fu
ture regret. Take some time today to look at all of your options.
您是否已經探討了即將到來的重要決策所涉及的所有選擇? 你可能認為你不必這樣做,
水瓶座,因為一個選項,特別是,似乎是一個明顯的選擇,你願意接受它。 但是,在您
這樣做當然不會有害,它甚至可能讓你遠離未來的遺憾。 今天花點時間看看你的所有選