ntbi (口屋~)
2019-05-19 19:11:13You have a powerful imagination, Aquarius. You are not only creative and innov
ative, but you also have the ability to see new ideas from a wide range of ang
les. Your creativity is so powerful because it is multi-dimensional - even tho
ugh you may not always recognize your own gift. Today or very soon, you may be
called on to apply that gift for something important. Don't underestimate you
r abilities here. Don't be modest. Believe in yourself and open up your creati
ve gateways. What you create now will be most impressive.
你有強大的想像力,水瓶座。 你不僅具有創造力和創新精神,而且還能夠從廣泛的角度
看待新想法。 你的創造力是如此強大,因為它是多維的 - 即使你可能並不總是識別出你
自己的天賦。 今天或在很近的未來,您可能會被要求將天賦用於重要的事情。 不要低估
你的能力。 不要謙虛。 相信自己,打開你的創意閘道器。 你現在創造的將是最令人印