ntbi (口屋~)
2019-05-29 09:27:55You may have gotten involved in something recently where you were led to belie
ve you would have a lot more control or at least a good level of control. But
once you got involved, it became clear that someone else was driving the proce
ss, and you may have been just along for the ride. You probably aren't happy w
ith the way things are going. If you were in a car with someone and you didn't
like the way they were driving, what would you do? If it was really dangerous
, you would probably ask them to pull over and stop so you could get out. You
can do the same thing here, Aquarius. If you don't like where this is headed,
get out and find your own way.
制水平。 但是一旦你參與其中,很明顯其他人正在推動這個過程,而你可能就是一直陪
伴著。 你可能對事情的發展方式不滿意。 如果你和某人開車,而你不喜歡他們開車的方
式,你會怎麼做? 如果真的很危險,你可能會要求他們停下來停下來讓你出去。 你可以
在這裡做同樣的事情,水瓶座。 如果你不喜歡它的發展方向,那就走出去尋找自己的方