[情報] 10/04 The Daily Horoscope

作者: md9tbagel (豬油饅頭)   2014-10-04 01:05:58
Aries horoscope for Oct, 04, 2014
You used to have big dreams. You wanted to set the world on fire. Maybe one of your dreams involved the perfect home or a fabulous vacation abroad or something else equally exciting. Now your dreams consist simply of having a peaceful day and getting a good night's sleep. What happened, Aries? Don't worry. Those dreams are still there, tucked away safely in the back of your mind. You've had a rough stretch that has caused you to withdraw a bit emotionally, but you'll start feeling better soon, and your
dreams will return in full force.
作者: nancyangel   2014-10-04 01:12:00
作者: bumloveme (Charming)   2014-10-04 01:22:00
作者: sujaya (雲 悅)   2014-10-04 01:37:00
作者: d8668514260 (4260)   2014-10-04 01:38:00
真~的 心有餘力不足 好傷阿~
作者: hanaviki (hanaviki)   2014-10-04 01:46:00
作者: sheiswe (no matter)   2014-10-04 02:13:00
作者: dryopnight (耕)   2014-10-04 02:44:00
感謝翻譯~ 真的揪感心ˇ
作者: fishrupm (哈啾)   2014-10-04 06:03:00
作者: s118374 (魚跑掉了)   2014-10-04 06:24:00
作者: candy00 (candy)   2014-10-04 08:08:00
作者: Phoebeyu (太陽)   2014-10-04 10:18:00
作者: sweetww (yayachen)   2014-10-04 10:36:00
超準誒 好不容易能好好睡到飽
作者: watchmejoe (花兒看著天空)   2014-10-04 13:38:00
作者: Goodwhite (好白大叔)   2014-10-04 14:00:00
作者: ccc0404 (啥?)   2014-10-04 19:02:00
作者: fefe123   2014-10-04 22:48:00

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