[情報] 10/08 The Daily Horoscope

作者: sujaya (雲 悅)   2014-10-07 23:26:27
Wednesday Oct 8
There is nothing wrong with putting down an obligation that isn't really
yours to carry. You did pick up a burden a while ago, Aries, out of the
goodness of your heart or out of a sense of responsibility toward someone.
Since then you have carried it nobly and reliably, even though it wasn't
really your burden.
It may be time to put it down. Do so, but don't then you re-burden yourself
with guilt or second-guessing. You have the right to your freedom. Let the
appropriate person carry that obligation from now on.
作者: gc9v (今晚,我們喝杯分手酒吧)   2014-10-07 23:27:00
是10/08唷 啾咪~
作者: dryopnight (耕)   2014-10-07 23:32:00
XDDDDDD 你什麼都沒看到也太可愛XDD
作者: aa97531aa (aa97531aa)   2014-10-07 23:35:00
齁齁 看到了
作者: petestar (酥酥麻麻。小派皮)   2014-10-07 23:37:00
推XD 是說這則好溫馨…羊真的太有義氣都會扛過多的責任
作者: shizusumi (墨隅)   2014-10-08 00:10:00
作者: sweetww (yayachen)   2014-10-08 00:16:00
作者: nancyscastle   2014-10-08 00:19:00
天哪...這 也 太 準 了 (淚)是時候 我該放下了讓他走吧
作者: sheiswe (no matter)   2014-10-08 00:46:00
作者: MiehMieh5566 (咩咩56)   2014-10-08 01:52:00
作者: Prota (靈魂畫手史存孝小朋友3æ­²)   2014-10-08 06:27:00
作者: hilda0414   2014-10-08 07:42:00
作者: hanaviki (hanaviki)   2014-10-08 07:54:00
作者: kobefanisdog (kkkkkobe賽)   2014-10-08 13:24:00
作者: angela1004 (千四1004)   2014-10-08 14:24:00

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