[情報] 05/23 羊兒運勢綜論

作者: Thejust (Chi)   2016-05-23 12:57:51
唉喲我的媽呀…一忙就忘記今天早上要補翻運勢 = =
Today, you have a clearer understanding than ever of the connections between
people, making it a wonderful day for you to play the role of matchmaker or
host. You have a direct route to other people's hearts, and friends feel that
they can trust you with just about anything
作者: cvcc (滴水穿石)   2016-05-23 13:06:00
作者: petestar (酥酥麻麻。小派皮)   2016-05-23 13:19:00
推 謝謝你>v< 果然也是可以準備草原集合的一天XDD
作者: qi3qi3 ( 少,但是更好)   2016-05-23 15:05:00
就是和人互動很多的一天? 好像是耶
作者: hp1502 (哈囉你好嗎)   2016-05-23 16:11:00
今天收到面試通知了:) 祝福所有羊兒們 我們草原見
作者: alexkuro2000 (蝦米挖溝)   2016-05-23 17:25:00
跟樓上一樣 收到複試通知~ 覺得很神奇
作者: curryjames05   2016-05-23 21:58:00

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