Your memories can be wonderful, heartwarming notions that tie you to the peopl
e you love, and they maintain a valuable tie to a past that helped create the
person you are today. But memories, when held onto too literally or wistfully,
can also be paralyzing forces in your life. Take a long mental walk down memo
ry lane and pinpoint some remembrances you need to forget. Don't let the rosy
haze of nostalgia lead you to believe something that isn't true.
Friends in creative fields might join forces with you today to start a new pro
ject that makes a difference to all of you, Aries. This could be something as
mundane as a garden in a park or as exciting as a new rock band. If you've bee
n thinking of moving in an artistic direction, this is the day to make plans.
You're determined and focused and your inspiration and enthusiasm are high.
You may think you can't handle what's ahead, but I know different Aries. Takin
g a step back from life today to look at the bigger picture can easily tell yo
u who you need to distance yourself from.