[分享] LAX-BKK SQ F Dom Perignon * 8

作者: imprezasti (科科)   2014-06-19 21:48:46
8 bottles of Dom from LAX-BKK on SQ in F
I didn't plan on drinking 8 bottles of Dom Pérignon on a trip last year from
LAX-BKK on SQ in F.
我並沒有計畫在去年(原文時間2010年)搭乘新航頭等艙 從LAX到BKK時 喝光八瓶香檳王
In fact, my liver is just now starting to forgive me.
事實上 我的肝臟才正要開始原諒我(?)
I blame it on spontaneous combustion. Or pent-up angst. Or maybe the 240 knot
headwind that made that trip take forever.
這都要怪人體自燃(?) 或性壓抑(??) 或是讓飛行時間大增的240節逆風
It was mid-December and I was sitting in the Star Alliance F lounge at LAX
waiting for SQ11 to NRT and then NRT-SIN-BKK in F.
12月中 我正在LAX星空聯盟頭等貴賓室等SQ11到NRT再接NRT-SIN-BKK
The lounge Champagne was swill, so I sipped gently and counted down the time
until boarding.
貴賓室的香檳不怎麼好喝 所以我只是慢慢的邊喝邊等登機
I boarded early and avoided the hubbub. After a dozen trips in the nose of a
SQ 747, the excitement has yet to wear off.
我提早登機以避開門前的壅塞 雖然搭過很多次新航的頭等艙 但興奮感仍未減
A Singaporean smile beams at me. "Mr. Macabus, would you like a glass of
空服員微笑的問我說"Macabus先生 要來杯香檳嘛?"
I see the bottle of Dom she's carrying is the 1999 vintage.
"Absolutely," I say demurely. "I've had this vintage many times and really
like it."
"當然"我故做端莊的回答 "我喝過這個年份的很多次了 還滿喜歡的"
Her smile lights up to about 2,000 watts as she pours the pale gold liquid
into a full-size champagne flute.
當她將淡金色的液體倒入杯中時 她的笑容好像有兩千瓦的能量(??)
"Ahhh, back in the saddle again," I think to myself. "Life is good."
"痾~~~ 就好像牛仔又回到了馬鞍上"我對自己說"人生真是美好"
The cabin is booked 4 of 12. A positive sign.
頭等艙12個位子只有4人訂位 是個好的開始
Canapés, nuts, another glass of Champagne. I look around and see a pregnant
Japanese woman traveling alone and two other Asian women in their 60's. All
good signs that the cabin will be mine. Hah!
小菜 堅果 再一杯香檳. 我環顧四周 與我同行的只有一位懷孕的日本女性
及兩位年介60的亞裔女性 我更加確定頭等艙是由我獨享了
I had just worked three solid months of 80-100 hour weeks and was ready to
let my hair down - what's left of it anyways...
我剛結束三個月辛苦的工作 準備要好好放鬆一下了
Another glass of champagne. Damn this 1999 Dom is ridiculously good.
再來一杯! 1999年的香檳王真是不可思議的好喝
"Mr. Macabus," the FA says with a look of utter concern. "We have to offload
baggage for passengers who have not boarded."
"Macabus先生, 我們必須沒登機的旅客行李卸下" 空服員擔心的說
I couldn't care less.
"It may be an hour delay." she says dripping with sorrow.
"起飛時間可能會延遲一小時" 她甚至有點憂慮了
I spot the bottle of Dom in her hand.
"I understand." I say, trying my best to keep a straight face.
"我能理解" 我一邊說一邊忍著不笑出來
An hour passes in the blink of an eye. Bottle #1 is gone. I'm the only
passenger drinking.
一小時眨眼間就過了 第一瓶香檳王已經見底 頭等艙中只有我在喝
The F purser appears before me.
"Mr. Macabus," he says with grave consternation. "It seems there are very
strong headwinds to Narita."
他帶點驚愕的說"Macabus先生 往成田的路上逆風還滿強的"
I envision a tropical waterfall filled with with Champagne. He does not
我腦中浮現香檳瀑布的畫面 而他也沒辜負我的期待
"We must load extra fuel," he says and presents a new bottle from behind his
back. "Here's some more Champagne while we wait."
My iPod is amped. Menu perused and ready to explore. Glass of Dom fully
我的iPod已經準備好 菜單也仔細看過 杯中的香檳王也已經加滿
We finally leave over two hours late. The flight crew filled up my glass with
Dom and INSISTED that I keep it during takeoff. I obliged.
兩個小時後終於後推 空服員將杯子倒滿後堅持起飛時拿著也無妨
We taxi past a LONG line of waiting commuter aircraft and small jets. –
I imagine them watching our Jumbo with awe.
我們滑行經過一長串區域型小飛機 我想他們看到我們的巨無罷一定很驚訝吧
My favorite seat on SQ11 is 3F. The "A" side usually gets a little warm from
the sun, but on this flight there is SNOW falling on my head from the vents
overhead. It started about 15 minutes after takeoff from LAX, and continued
for about an hour.
我最喜歡的位置是3F 這邊通常因日曬而比較熱 但我頭上的空調出口簡直在下雪!
The FA bundled me up in a down duvet and gave me a fresh glass of Dom.
空服員用羽絨被將我包起來 並再給我一杯新的香檳王
I'm happy as a clam snuggled in my cocoon, watching the West coast float past
outside the windows.
我就像蛹中的幼蟲一樣舒適 看著西岸在窗外飄過
Appetizers were served. My glass of Dom was replenished, and I settled in for
the long haul. Little did I know how long it would actually take.
開胃菜上桌 杯中的香檳王也補過了 我也準備好長途飛行
I had the filet mignon with all the trimmings. Then I asked the FA what's
left. "You're still hungry?" she asked incredulously, looking at my trim
主菜我點了菲力跟所有的配菜 接著我再問空服員還有剩什麼
看著我纖細的身材 "你還很餓!?" 她難以至信的問道
"I'm always hungry" I said proudly. And accepted her gracious offer of the
full Japanese meal.
"我一直都很餓" 我驕傲的說... 一邊接受再來整套日式餐的提議
Out of the corner of my eye I saw a FA poke her head out of the galley and
assess my fuel supply. Thirty seconds later I heard the musical sound of Dom
bottle #3 popping open. "Yes!" I thought a bit guiltily as I saw the other
passengers drinking diet soda.
我看到其他乘客喝的是健怡可樂後 "太好了!" 我帶點罪惡感的想著
She poured the Dom and I noticed it was the 2000 vintage. She looked
concerned when she saw my wide-eyed expression.
當我注意到是2000年的香檳王時 她看起來有點擔心
"Is it okay?" she said almost apologetically.
"2000年的可以嘛?" 她用帶著道歉的語氣問到
"I'm sure it's fine," I said. "It's just the last few flights you've had the
1999, and now this is the 2000."
"我覺得也不錯" "這大概是你們最後幾班用1999年的班機 該換2000年了"
SQ FAs are absolutely the best. "Well," she said conspiratorially. "I've got
plenty of both, so don't worry about a thing."
新航的空服是最棒的 "這個嘛 兩個年份的存貨我們都還很多 請不用擔心"
I took a sip and my lips started quivering. Honey. Butterscotch. Toasted
marshmallow. Mineral. Straw. Caramel.
我喝了一口後我的嘴唇開始顫抖 這嘗起來像蜂蜜 奶油 烤棉花糖
礦泉水 稻草 焦糖
"It's extraordinary." I said with a swoon. "Much better than the 1999."
"這太厲害了" 我有點暈眩的說 "比1999年的還要更好"
She seemed excited and rushed away to tell the crew.
It's now 7 hours into the flight to NRT and the pilot comes on the PA with an
unusual announcement. There's a massive winter storm in the region and our
744 was experiencing an unprecedented 240 knot headwind. We would be quite
late getting into NRT. I couldn't care less.
起飛後已經7個小時 機長廣播說因為冬季風暴的影響 我們的飛機正經歷史無前例的
240節逆風 抵達成田的時間將會延遲很多
The purser came over and wanted to talk about Champagne. News travels fast.
座艙長又來了 他想跟我討論香檳的事 消息傳的真快
"Don't you like Krug?" he asked.
"It's a little too sweet for me," I said, but he had already disappeared.
"我覺得太甜了" 才說完他就已經消失了
The FA and purser came to my seat carrying three bottles of Champagne and
three fresh glasses.
"We never get to taste the Champagne," the purser says wistfully. "So can you
taste them all and tell us what you think?"
"我們平常不喝香檳" "所以可以請您試試這三種再告訴我們你的感想如何"
Was he kidding? This was like an episode of the Twilight Zone for Champagne
你在開玩笑嘛!? 這簡直就是香檳愛好者的陰陽魔界
They poured a glass of each of the 1999 Dom, the 2000 Dom, and the Krug
他們倒了1999年 2000年的香檳王跟Krug各一杯
I had my work cut out for me. Especially since the FA handed me a sheet of
paper and pen, then knelt down on one knee and waited for me to taste each
and write down what I thought about them. A Champagne tasting at 35,000 feet
- what could be better?
我接下來的工作已經準備好了 尤其當空服幫你準備好紙筆 單膝跪下等著你對
三種香檳的感想 一場三萬五千呎高的香檳品酒會 還有什麼可以更好?
The FA asked if I wanted a snack. I asked which meals were left, and she
offered the Butterfish. I accepted.
空服問我要不要來個點心 我問說還剩什麼正餐 她說鯧魚
BOTTLE #4+ of DOM.
The champagne tasting verdict was in. The 2000 Dom was the "one," and a new
bottle was ceremoniously opened in my favor.
品酒會最後的結果定案了 就是2000年的香檳王 新的一瓶也儀式性的為我而開
It was now 11 hours into what is normally a 12 hour flight to NRT, and we
still had over 1,500 miles to go.
現在是第11個小時 而普通航班只要12小時 我們確還有1500哩要飛
The plane was dragging into the headwind at an angle I've never experienced.
The normal angle of a 744 at cruising altitude is about 2-3 degrees nose-up.
This baby was lumbering along at about 6-7 degrees.
744在巡航時通常有2到3度的仰角 但因為強勁的逆風現在仰角有7到8度
Later, I asked for a "snack" and was served a full dinner of beautiful lamb
chops. A little Bordeaux on the side was a perfect compliment.
不久後我再點了一些點心 送來的是整套的羊排晚餐 搭配波爾多紅酒更是正點
The crew filled up my glass with more 2000 Dom and insisted I keep it for the
decent into NRT. I didn't complain.
組員們再度將杯中裝滿2000年香檳王 並堅持在降落的過程中留著
A quick dash off the plane and I was in the ANA F lounge for a shower. Midway
through lathering, I was overcome by a premonition that the flight might
leave without me due to the delay. I rinsed quickly and rushed to the gate -
just in time to make the flight to SIN.
下機後我到ANA頭等貴賓室沖個澡 洗到一半才發現好像快趕不上了
沖掉泡泡後手刀跑到登機門 正好趕上
The F cabin was full, except for my empty Connolly-leather seat. A new FA
appeared as if suddenly rubbed from a magic lamp.
頭等艙客滿 一位空服像神燈精靈一樣出現
Did she know I had already consumed 4-1/2 bottles of Dom?
"Mr. Macabus," she said with a twinkle in her eye. "Would you like a glass of
"Macabus先生" 他用帶著笑意的眼睛問我 "要來杯香檳嘛?"
"Are you pouring the 1999 or 2000?" I asked, then realized I probably sounded
like a wine snob.
"1999年還是2000年的?" 我一邊問一邊覺得自己很挑...
"The 2000," she said proudly. "Have you tried it yet?"
"2000年 你也試過嘛?" 她驕傲的說
My grin gave it away. She poured me a glass. I was in heaven.
我的笑容給了答案 她倒了一杯 我好像置身天堂
I held on to another fresh glass of Dom as the 747 staggered to the runway.
The cabin was full of jittery Asian businessmen who were only drinking coffee
or soda. YES! The Dom is mine again.
滑行時我又拿了一杯 頭等艙中除了我 其他都是看起來神經過敏
太好了! 香檳王又是我獨享
The flight from NRT-SIN usually takes about 6.5 hours, but tonight it took
over 8 because of the headwinds.
NRT-SIN通常要6.5小時 但今晚因為逆風 要超過八個小時
More Dom? Why of course. A lobster dinner. More Dom. A full Japanese dinner.
More Dom. Ahhhh.
更多香檳王? 當然 龍蝦 更多香檳王 整套日式晚餐 再更多香檳王 啊啊啊啊啊啊
Another 2.5 hours to go.
When they weren't filling up my Champagne glass, the flight crew spent an
inordinate amount of time with me chatting about world politics. I took this
as a sign that I was keeping my wits about me - despite all the Dom.
他組員們沒在幫我倒香檳時 他們似乎在我身上花了太多時間
我們在聊世界政治 我認為這是我仍保持清醒的像徵
An hour before landing a beautiful filet mignon landed on my tray table.
降落前一小時 一塊漂亮的牛排先降落在我的桌上
"I thought you might be hungry," the FA said demurely. Who was I to deny this
lovely Singaporean woman the pleasure of watching me eat another meal?
"我想你應該還有點餓" 空服員正經的說 我要是不吃的話似乎很對不起他
The seat belt sign lit up and the pilot announced we were on approach to SIN.
I looked at my empty glass of Dom and thought "perfect timing", for I really
needed a break.
安全帶指示燈亮起 機長廣播我們準備開始下降
我看著空杯子想說"剛剛好" 我真的需要休息了
Then I heard a loud 'POP' from the galley. Oh no!
然後我聽到廚房又傳出開瓶的聲音... 天啊
My glass was refilled TWICE before landing.
I've replayed that spectacular landing into SIN a thousand times in my mind
ever since. The fog refracting the harbor lights into a million points of
light. It was hauntingly ethereal.
我在腦中重播了幾千次降落新加坡的景像 霧氣將港中的燈光折射成千萬個光點
Changi airport at 4 in the morning is a really weird trip. The lights are on,
but nobody's home. And since the skytrain was closed, it took over 30 minutes
on empty travellators to get to the T2 F lounge - which has slumberette rooms.
走在臨晨四點的漳宜機場是個奇怪的旅程 燈光開著 但沒人在家
因為電車沒開 要花30分鐘在空無一人的電動步道上才能到T2的頭等貴賓室
Before bed I cleaned out what was left of the dinner buffet.
At 7:00 am REALITY struck with a vengeance. It took a good 60 seconds to
figure out who I was, and more importantly - where I was.
早上七點 現實帶著復仇的心向我襲來 我花了一分鐘才想起來我是誰?
Shave, shower and... breakfast. Then I was ready for the 8:40 am flight to
刮鬍子 沖澡 早餐 準備好搭8點40往BKK的班機了
At the time, SQ ran a 777 with 2-2-2 in F on the 2 hour flight from SIN-BKK.
F has since been eliminated on this route...
The sun is up and I'm onboard at 8:15. Dom? Heck yeah!
太陽已昇起 而我在8:15上機 香檳王? 當然要!
I was the only passenger in F.
Dom is truly the "breakfast of champions."
I had the chicken curry and it was so hot that North Korea could have used it
as nuclear fuel.
我選了雞肉咖哩 辣到可以當北韓的核燃料
That bottle of Dom was empty in a heartbeat.
And yes, it was the 2000.
Another POP from the galley.
BOTTLE #8+ of DOM.
It's been about 32 hours since LAX and I've drank more than 8 bottles of Dom P
érignon. Over a thousand dollars worth of Champagne.
自LAX出發已經32小時 我已經喝了8瓶多的香檳王 超過1000美金的香檳
It sounds like an unGodly amount, but let's work the numbers.
這樣聽起來很多 但我們來仔細看一下數字
I was awake for about 26 hours on that trip. A .75L bottle has 5 glasses.
Okay, let's assume 42 glasses of Dom over 26 hours. That's a little over 1.5
glasses per hour. Not drunk, just a nice steady Champagne glow... Plus I had
lots of food, a driver to pick me up in Bangkok, and nothing to do upon
arrival but spend the day at a spa.
我醒著26小時 750mL一瓶可以倒五杯
假設為26小時中喝了42杯 相當於一小時喝1.5杯
只是香檳一直沒停過 再加上我吃了一大堆東西 到曼谷時有司機接我到飯店
If there's a better buzz on this planet, I haven't found it yet.
If there's a worse hangover on this planet, I haven't found it yet either.
Although, I came pretty close six months ago on a LX trip from LAX-ZRH-BKK in
When will I ever learn?
作者: chewie (北極熊)   2014-06-19 21:53:00
作者: dzgin (calibare)   2014-06-19 22:10:00
酒量真好~ SQ的F一架次到底準備了幾瓶啊rrrr
作者: kolen (kolen)   2014-06-19 22:32:00
作者: TllDA (踢打)   2014-06-19 23:15:00
作者: shenerica (一朵小花兒)   2014-06-19 23:26:00
好嗨 可惡 想喝(?
作者: chihchuan (Andy)   2014-06-19 23:57:00
作者: Centurion (百夫長)   2014-06-20 00:20:00
作者: chataulait (牛奶貓)   2014-06-20 19:43:00
作者: no821010 (我德華啦)   2014-06-20 22:31:00
作者: kenny53 (enjoy flight)   2014-06-21 11:38:00
作者: hamk5202 (彬)   2014-06-21 20:22:00
作者: shawncarter (Duffy Huang)   2014-06-22 03:57:00
作者: Vanessakoju (Vanessa)   2014-06-22 20:28:00
作者: marklin709 (馬克林)   2014-06-23 07:54:00
作者: restingbeast (為什麼我長不大)   2014-06-23 19:30:00
Dom Perignon真的好喝 喝過幾次感覺很細緻

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