星期四 UA 又把一隻狗送上了從 Newark 到 St. Louis 的飛機
他原本要去的是 Ohio 的 Akron
然後 UA3996 就直接中途下交流道(誤)轉降 CAK 把狗送到 Akron 去了
UA 說機上被延誤的旅客都有獲得補償
In Latest Pet Flight Mix-Up, United Airlines Puts Dog on
Wrong Plane From Newark Airport
It's the latest pet mishandling by the airline in less
than a week
Published at 3:46 PM EDT on Mar 16, 2018
In its third public pet mishandling in less than a week,
United Airlines mistakenly loaded a dog onto the wrong
aircraft Thursday, and this time diverted the plane from
Newark Airport in order to reunite it with its owner.
The dog was on United Express flight 3996 from Newark to St.
Louis, when it was supposed to be on a plane to Akron,
according to the airline.
The plane diverted to Akron so that the dog could be
delivered to its owner. All passengers on board the plane
were compensated for the diversion, United Airlines said.
It was the latest embarrassing pet gaffe for the airline in
days. United mistakenly flew a German Shepherd named Irgo to
Japan when it was supposed to go to land in Kansas City,
Missouri. When his family went to pick up Irgo, they were
instead given a Great Dane.
United said in a statement that the dogs were somehow put on
the wrong flights during a connecting flight in Denver. Irgo
was reunited with his family in Wichita Thursday night.
Also this week, a 10-month-old French bulldog named Kokito
died on board a Houston-to-New York flight when a flight
attendant ordered a passenger to put her pet carrier in the
overhead bin, sparking outrage.