Ryanair Plans Hundreds of Job Cuts to Counter Brexit, Max Delay
2019-07-31 Bloomberg
Ryanair Holdings Plc is poised for one of the deepest rounds of job cuts in
years as Europe’s biggest budget airline responds to falling earnings and
the grounding of Boeing Co.’s 737 Max jetliner.
In a video message to staff seen by Bloomberg, Chief Executive Officer
Michael O’Leary said the carrier has an excess of more than 500 pilots and
about 400 flight attendants. On top of that it will need around 600 fewer
people in those categories next summer than it had envisaged before the Max’
s idling.
A spokesman for Dublin-based Ryanair confirmed the video’s authenticity and
said about 900 current staff could be affected. The carrier had about 5,500
pilot posts as of March, of which about 10% appear to be at risk based on O’
Leary’s comments. The carrier employs just over 9,000 flight attendants.
“We over the next couple of weeks will be doing our very best to minimize
job losses, but some are unavoidable at this time,” O’Leary said.
Ryanair had already warned it would close some European bases and shrink
others in response to the Max crisis and concerns around Brexit. Boeing Co.’
s 737 Max was grounded following two fatal accidents and there’s no firm
date when regulators will allow the resumption of flights.
The cuts will test Ryanair’s ability to offload staff after O’Leary agreed
to recognize unions at the end of 2017. The CEO had previously warned that an
organized workforce would impinge on the flexibility needed to quickly
respond to shifts in the market.
The airline posted the video Monday after announcing a 21% drop in quarterly
earnings hurt by higher fuel costs, faltering economies and a fare war. In
the address, an apologetic O’Leary tells staff that redundancies will be
detailed by the end of August once the carrier
作者: Allen624 (今天天氣好) 2019-08-02 03:40:00
Qpera (烏拉博士)
2019-08-02 06:28:00737max號稱無縫接軌,為什麼不能混談? 崩潰嗎?
prussian (prussian)
2019-08-02 08:32:00因為之前公司被逼著買737max不滿嗎
killer1 (光與影)
2019-08-02 08:51:00景氣不好吧 不然 可以轉訓幹嘛非得要裁員
作者: Allen624 (今天天氣好) 2019-08-02 13:14:00
作者: blueskygo (bluesky) 2019-08-02 15:49:00
作者: lidocaine (Euge) 2019-08-02 22:11:00
Qpera (烏拉博士)
2019-08-03 00:52:00有人崩潰還怕人說XD
作者: Allen624 (今天天氣好) 2019-08-03 01:06:00
z520314 (知足常樂 多貪則憂)
2019-08-04 15:25:00不爽你可以貼787,人家貼什麼干你什麼事,吃飽太閒嗎